Isn't it great....

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Well-Known Member
to just get out into the coutryside and lose yourself pedalling away. Sorry this is a bit of a self indulgent post, but with a bit of a hangover I decided to get up this morning and sweat out the excesses before the children returned from their sleepover. Nicest day weather wise for a long time and my first ride since between Christmas and New Year. It made me really appreciate how fantastic it is just to get out in the fresh air. Cycled a 20 mile route which includes 3 circuits of a pictureque loop through some really small little country lanes with a really steep hill at the end. Whilst only just under a km, the night before made the hill more of a challenge than usual but I survived thanks to the granniest of granny gears (which validated my decision to get a triple:blush:).

Exchanged greetings with a few other cyclists who had the same idea. Not going to break any records (my garmin is being repaired but I roughly averaged 13mph, despite a stand off with a flock of sheep being moved along the road). Back home, bike cleaned, showered and roast in the oven - it doesn't get much better in my book. Roll on spring.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
You think it's nice now, just wait until the leaves are out, all fresh green, and the flowers are coming up...

It is lovely. So often last year I debated whether to go out, or be lazy, and it was always worth the effort...


Senior Member
Got out on the bike for the first time in ages yesterday. Did a hilly 28 mile loop in the countryside north of Leeds (around Otley for locals). Hadn't gone near the bike since early november, so it was a bit of a struggle in places, but it felt well worth the effort when I was cruising back into town thinking of a few beers in the evening and some movies! It does indeed make you feel a lot better. Spring can't come soon enough.


New Member
xx( loved your post mate, made me want tog et out right now and get on me bike but alas its night time and iver just finished an 11 hour shift at work, lol

Im half day from work tommorrow so i plan to get out too.

Your inspirational mate.


fossyant said:
I still like finding all the little lanes where I live, it's amazing what's there sometimes, especially off road routes as well.

Yep nothing like a bit of exploration this time of year. Keeps the interest up and you can see more without the flora.
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