to just get out into the coutryside and lose yourself pedalling away. Sorry this is a bit of a self indulgent post, but with a bit of a hangover I decided to get up this morning and sweat out the excesses before the children returned from their sleepover. Nicest day weather wise for a long time and my first ride since between Christmas and New Year. It made me really appreciate how fantastic it is just to get out in the fresh air. Cycled a 20 mile route which includes 3 circuits of a pictureque loop through some really small little country lanes with a really steep hill at the end. Whilst only just under a km, the night before made the hill more of a challenge than usual but I survived thanks to the granniest of granny gears (which validated my decision to get a triple).
Exchanged greetings with a few other cyclists who had the same idea. Not going to break any records (my garmin is being repaired but I roughly averaged 13mph, despite a stand off with a flock of sheep being moved along the road). Back home, bike cleaned, showered and roast in the oven - it doesn't get much better in my book. Roll on spring.
Exchanged greetings with a few other cyclists who had the same idea. Not going to break any records (my garmin is being repaired but I roughly averaged 13mph, despite a stand off with a flock of sheep being moved along the road). Back home, bike cleaned, showered and roast in the oven - it doesn't get much better in my book. Roll on spring.