Is there a preferred order to buy things for cycling?

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Well-Known Member
As a complete novice at road bikes, although I have got some good tips from reading Cycle Chat before joining. Is there any things that are essential to buy in the coming weeks, etc.

Do people just buy things as and when, or is it 'essential'' to buy certain items first. I already have cycling shorts from riding my mountain bike, plus a rather old helmet. But what else would you suggest is highly recommended to buy before certain other things?


Well-Known Member
A track (floor) pump with a gauge is invaluable. You should also have the basics for puncture repair (spare tube, puncture kit, levers, pump) and some tools - a multitool is a good start.

It saves the wallet a bit if you buy out of season ie.winter gear in the summer and vice versa.

Tyres are supposed to season with age, so if I see a good deal I don't mind buying a year in advance of actually needing them- just done that with a pair of veloflex's which will be next summer rubber.


New Member

First buy a helmet, SPD Shoes, Gloves, Padded shorts and a base layer.

Wear these on your commute for a couple of weeks.

When you are fully comfortable with them, buy a bike.


Rhys_Po said:

First buy a helmet, SPD Shoes, Gloves, Padded shorts and a base layer.

Wear these on your commute for a couple of weeks.

When you are fully comfortable with them, buy a bike.

Then, buy another bike.

Then, buy another bike.

Then buy ano............



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Yep, the first thing is the bike, then the unplanned deflation repair kit and some sort of inflation device (pumps are cheaper than CO2 in the long run), the last thing you need is a helmet it is just a waste of money...


Well-Known Member
HJ said:
the last thing you need is a helmet it is just a waste of money...


The arguments have been gone over a million times. Let people read the discussions and make up their own minds. There's no need to turn this into another one.



New Member
A can of furniture polish. A tube of grease. Turtle wax.


New Member
Being serious for the moment, if you're a mountain biker you will already have your own opinion about the need for helmets. But road biking, if you come down (which fortunately will not be very often) you come down hard on a hard surface, and usually while travelling fast. In my opinion gloves are vital safety equipment - more important on road than off.

You probably have a clipless system of choice which you use on your mountain bike. At least at first, fit the same pedals to your road bike. You may later choose a different clipless system for your road bike but start with what you're used to.

As others have said, you won't be able to maintain tyres at road pressure without a track pump. If you don't have it, get it.

Evenings are now rapidly getting darker. Lights (and retro-reflective clothing) are a good plan.


New Member
Contact points are near the top of my list nowadays.

Shoes / pedals - Sidi / Look work well for me
Saddle - SMP4Bike by SelleSMP are my choice
Bars / tape / gloves - Not really settled on any one maker yet, itching to try Lizardskins DSP bar tape, but £25 for bar tape is a big price tag, Sealskinz winter gloves
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