Just looking for some tips regarding interval training to increase my average speed on all rides?
My current situation:
I've cycled lots of "junk miles" over the past 22 months since i got back on the bike, have lost
28 pounds over this time ... but have now plateaued. (Eating 2800 cals a day on average).
In the early days i would suffer leg aches/stiffness for two days after cycling ten miles.
Now its a case that i can cycle 30 miles in bang on two hours .... and only feel very slight aches
for an hour or two after the ride.
I recently cycled 85 miles in 7 hours, but suffered the day after due to dehydration, so i think
i've got a good cycling base (just need to hydrate more!!)
I train quite often, preferring a certain 30 mile route that has a mix of ten miles of head wind, 5 dual carriageway flyover climbs, three river bridge climbs ... all of these put me above being able to hold a conversation.
Last night i tried the following (using h.r.m on my garmin edge).
5 mile warmup in zone 2.
30s flat out. (reached 85% hr)
4m30s in zone 1 (heart rate took 4mins to drop back to 60%)
30s flat out
4m30s in zone 1
and so on
Six high power sprints in total, reaching 85% hr and then finished with a zone 1 ride of 5 miles.
Straight into zone 2 was quite hard, and the first two sprints saw me running out of puff before the 30 seconds was up, but the 5th and 6th saw me carrying on a few more seconds.
Anyway, what are your timing/zones preferences for interval training, and can you honestly
say you've become faster, and what are your tips??
My current situation:
I've cycled lots of "junk miles" over the past 22 months since i got back on the bike, have lost
28 pounds over this time ... but have now plateaued. (Eating 2800 cals a day on average).
In the early days i would suffer leg aches/stiffness for two days after cycling ten miles.
Now its a case that i can cycle 30 miles in bang on two hours .... and only feel very slight aches
for an hour or two after the ride.
I recently cycled 85 miles in 7 hours, but suffered the day after due to dehydration, so i think
i've got a good cycling base (just need to hydrate more!!)
I train quite often, preferring a certain 30 mile route that has a mix of ten miles of head wind, 5 dual carriageway flyover climbs, three river bridge climbs ... all of these put me above being able to hold a conversation.
Last night i tried the following (using h.r.m on my garmin edge).
5 mile warmup in zone 2.
30s flat out. (reached 85% hr)
4m30s in zone 1 (heart rate took 4mins to drop back to 60%)
30s flat out
4m30s in zone 1
and so on
Six high power sprints in total, reaching 85% hr and then finished with a zone 1 ride of 5 miles.
Straight into zone 2 was quite hard, and the first two sprints saw me running out of puff before the 30 seconds was up, but the 5th and 6th saw me carrying on a few more seconds.
Anyway, what are your timing/zones preferences for interval training, and can you honestly
say you've become faster, and what are your tips??