Inner tube troubles

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Hi all, I've recently been having a bit of bother with my front wheel and I cannot fathom out the problem at all. It's an old 27 x 1 1/4". I have had several punctures all exactly the same when riding recently, and always occur within a mile of taking the bike out so something is definitely wrong with my wheel, although I just can't see what it is.

I've played about with the spokes and none seem loose. I've checked the tyre for anything lodged in it and nothing. There are no spokes sticking up through the wheel. There is nothing sharp on the wheel that I can see or feel. The wheel is lined with tape and I even once tried lining that with gaff tape to see if that wouldd solve the problem, again it punctured. I just can't see what I'm missing here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
is the puncture definately on the spoke side of the tube?

are you seating the tube correctly near the valve?


Itching to get back on my bike's
i went through a phase like this years ago , and tried differant tyres and tubes then one day no more punctures .

just give all a good look over checking for edges or even frayed backing of tyre is inside face , are you using cheap tubes , shouldnt make any differance but you never know


If you have chrome rims, double check there isn't any little flakes of rust lying around inside the tyre or stuck in the rim tape.


When this happened to me, I eventually found a microscopic piece of flint or something barely protruding out of the inner part of the tyre, and not visible on the outer surface.


Oaf on a Bike
I try to keep the tyre logos by the valve so everythings always in the same place and you can figure out where its coming from, incase theres a super tiny thing stuck in the tyre re-puncturing the same spot in the tube for example.

As mentioned you should be able to see whether the puncture is rim side or tyre side and if its a tiny hole or a slit.


That's brilliant thanks for the help guys. I'll check to make sure which side it's on but I'm pretty sure it was on the rim side and was definitely a slit each time. I'll give it a good going over. Thanks once again.
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