Inner tube sizing

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Senior Member
I am currently using SPECIALIZED NIMBUS tyres with a width of 1.5" and using inner tubes rated for 1.75"-2.25".

Is it that important to use inner tubes that correspond with the size of the tyre?

What are the disadvantages of using inner tubes too big for the tyre?


Not really an answer but I ran the same sizes for a fair while with no ill effects (1.5 tyre, 1.75-2.25 inner tube).
I ended up swapping it out for a 1.5 inner tube eventually as I needed a tube for a 1.95 tyre on a different bike so I figured I might as well get the correct ones for my bike in the process.


Inner tube sizing is not an exact science and it will be fine so long as you don't trap it or twist it putting it in.
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