+1 I ended up like Craigwend.
PS How's the recovery gone Craigwend - I'm nearly 6 months post op and it's still blooming painfull !
2 years on
- seems a long time ago now (almost) full recovery.
100% movement back
90% strength back - I don't think it will ever be exactly what it was, I have a few positions where my shoulder just can't weight bare fully, though luckily nothing in normal everyday life.
If I had to do pull ups on a bar I dont think my left shoulder / muscles would be (is) strong enough.
I still do small series of exercises & stretches 'most' days which does help.
Operation scars just about invisible - keyhole surgery, so not surprising.
I was 'lucky' there was 'enough' of my tendon left to not have to take it off & re-attach, just a partial thickness tear (hole), & a 'textbook' operation too.
I was pretty much okayish within 6 weeks and back to
'as good as it gets' by 7 months.
Also not having to live on painkillers / in pain is such a relief; colleagues commented on how much happier I was.
I still have 'niggles' more like a dull ache than 'pain' at certain times, it's not the same, however 100% better than pre-op.