However, I'm not so sure of the bargainous nature of £42 for 40km or £46 for 80km.
OMG that's outrageous! The last pay to enter ride I did was a 200K audax and it cost me £4 in total and that included 3 free feeds! (Ok-The usual price for this is around £8 so this was an exceptionally cheap one- but a great ride nonetheless).
Why would you even consider doing such a ride? I guess you are paying for the "free" junk that goes with it. I can just about see the justification for a free massage. Some people may have sore legs afterwards and a massage is a nice touch for those people who need it, but a manicure?? I know I'm not a girly girl but I don't think that sort of thing does womens cycling any favours at all. IMO they would be better off reducing the entry fee and charging extra for the add-ons at the end to those who actually wanted it. It would likely still cost more than I would pay though.
It's a real shame because I applaud the sentiment behind it of easing more women into cycling by giving them riding opportunities which are
perceived to be more gentle and non -threatening than going out with a bunch of experienced riders where you could well be the only female. I just think it's a complete rip-off!