I'm a lucky nobber.

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Re member eR
I went out at about noon. Made a couple of calls, went to the bank. Returned just before 2pm.

I tuned into the drive and saw :eek: ...............I had left the gates open and left the garage door open. Bikes on display nicely, couple of frames hanging up, power tools hanging there for all to see, and loads of tools and work stuff just sitting there.
What's more when I went in my wallet was sitting on the bench just aching to be nicked.

It must be my lucky day ! ^_^

I'm off to get a shed load of lottery tickets.


How much does it cost to Oldham?
I would have spewed.

Jousey jousey get.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ha ha - you lucky chappie! :laugh:

When I first bought my house, I got up late one morning and had to dash into the town centre for a lift to work. I had a long day, and finally got home about 12 hours later and found my door wide open. At first, I thought that I had been burgled but then I saw that I had turned the key in the lock without closing the door properly - the lock was locked, it just wasn't locked into the door frame! No harm done, nothing missing ... :wacko:

(Years later, I got back from the pub a bit the worse for wear and forgot to lock my kitchen door. I got up in the morning and my wallet was gone. Several other unlocked houses in the street had been burgled that night too. Somebody must have gone down the street trying every door.)


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Check your lawnmower... and the box of bits from that washer you stripped down that you keep next to the hoover bags you don't have a hoover for.


Worst i have done is left my shed door open while i went for a ride, not much worth stealing like but still could have happened :shy:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Left the door keys, with the car key on the keyring, in the front door of our Tyneside flat, as I left for work on the Metro. Our postman saw the keys while on his round and took them down to the Police station and left a notes through the letterbox.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Shortly after buying my current abode (just at the turn of the millennium) I was busy gutting the place before we moved in. I booked a gas fitter to come and fit 2 new fireplaces only he got there a bit earlier than expected on the agreed morning so phoned me to ask if it was ok to start. I asked him what he meant and he said the door was open.
Oh, I said, did I leave the door unlocked?
No he replied, the door was open wide.

The property had been left wide open and unoccupied since tea time the day before with all my tools and some brand new uninstalled kitchen appliances inside.

We've all done it?
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