ideal position for computer

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Über Member
i got the cateye velo5 and i attached it to the handlebars but ive noticed some attached it to the stem

so was wondering which is more ideal or if it dont matter

bit irrelevant the question i know but hey

i was thinking of getting set of lights and attaching it to the stem now or the fork


Über Member
I mount mine on the stem because of 2 reasons.

a) It makes the bike look nicer from the front end
b) more aero :smile: (every little counts)*
c) Gives me more handlebar space to hold the tops / mount lights


lol so you reckon stem? ite ill give it a go shame the sticky bit is stuck

ps oh yeah thats 3 reasons


Über Member
doesnt work for me the clip position dnt fit the stem lengthway it will have to go sideways ahh well never mind


I put mine on the stem as the handebars narrow and the iPhone usually ends up spinning around if I mount it on the bars


Legendary Member
LBS fitted mine on the stem of my road bike, makes far more sense, as I can put other things on the handlebars, lights, bar bag, hands :laugh:


Banned member
South West
I'm totally against stem mounting - no angle adjustment can be made, the computer ends up too close to the rider making it harder to see, and it looks crap.

9?% of riders who mount their computer on the stem are beginners/amateurs! When did you last see a pro with a stem mounted comp?
I'm totally against stem mounting - no angle adjustment can be made, the computer ends up too close to the rider making it harder to see, and it looks crap.

9?% of riders who mount their computer on the stem are beginners/amateurs! When did you last see a pro with a stem mounted comp?

Your stem is the wrong angle then ;)

This looks like its on the stem to me but I suppose Cancellara isn't considered a pro ;)


Legendary Member
I like mine there so :tongue: Never had any issue seeing it, but ok I'm not a pro... I need the room on my handlebars, the pros maybe less so...each to their own!
I'm totally against stem mounting - no angle adjustment can be made, the computer ends up too close to the rider making it harder to see, and it looks crap.

9?% of riders who mount their computer on the stem are beginners/amateurs! When did you last see a pro with a stem mounted comp?

Where did you get that load of crap from?

Most pro teams use SRM which mount like this;


Garmins mount thusly;


Not a bar mounted computer in sight;

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