Flying_Monkey said:
It's more likely you will get your ID stolen by people working for supposedly legitimate companies than by thieves or computer hackers. According to research done by AmEx, 75% of ID crime are inside jobs.
That concurs with my experience.
Made an debit card purchace over the phone last year. Goods arrived, no problem. About 2 weeks later, SWMBO noticed a £200+ transaction on the bank, queried it, and someone had brought perfumes online with our card details.
The funny thing is, we could narrow it down to the EXACT place it had been done because of a slight difference in personal details she'd given.
The unfunny thing was the bank were'nt interested in sir.
Wife said, 'its my money, and ive a right to expect you to take it seriously and follow it up'
The reply was..'no madam...its our money, and confidentiality doesnt allow us to divulge what we do or what we find' (or words to that effect). You'll have to trust we take it seriously and follow it up. Not even remotely interested in the fact we could narrow it down to almost the person on the end of the phone.
Talking to a friend who works with over the phone purchaces...she said it ALL relys on trust. You could take anyones details if you wanted to, she said.