Ice cream van tunes,thoughts and experiences

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
They've just been talking about ice cream vans on the local radio. One van according to the show,turns up every day,whatever the weather. Do you ever buy from these vans and if you do what attracts you to them? Is it the fact that you don't have to walk far for an ice cream,or is it the van's tune which attracts you and if so what is/would be your favourite tune if you owned/drove the van? I have a few ideas about what tune i'd use. This is one of them.

View: :becool:

I know of a van that was trading around here a few years ago selling "wacky backy" on the side, According to the report he made more money from selling dope than cornets with a flake and raspberry syrup on top.
His van had this for its tune.


I think having that as a ice cream van tune was pushing it a bit,giving the game away.
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Failed Tech Bro
[QUOTE 4930681, member: 45"]Our icecreamman has eyes that are lasers.[/QUOTE]
Best post ever!
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
There was one that drove past my previous abode playing "It's now or never" ,the Elvis song. I'm sure he waited till he got to my place to put the jingle on at full blast. :dry: It was that loud,it'd wake me up if i was having a doze. That tune and Greensleeves seem to be the most popular for "iccy vans".


Legendary Member
Not an ice cream fan myself, though I buy them for Mini Drago.

I'd much prefer it if ice cream vans played Whole Lotta Love or Sweet Leaf as they ply for trade.
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