Iam jealous....:-(

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Hold his to ransom until you get one of your own!!


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
What?? you mean your husband bought the bike without asking you first??? :whistle:

how dare he do such a thing without buying you a present too lol :rolleyes:


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Remove the saddle and leave the seatpost in ... hold the saddle to ransom until you have a new bike too :secret:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Do not be jealous unless your other half is planning to go serious off roading he has spent money on a bike that is overkill for normal riding , just go out and buy a road bike and leave him standing ^_^
The reviews I've read have said good on downhills and slow on the uphill slogs. Now over here in Yorkshire it's a proven fact that each downhill is accompanied by a killer uphill. I'd rather have lighter, stiffer bike and cut the hard work to a minimum. I presume the law of hills still applies in Lancs?
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