I won!!

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Linda sent you a message.



Attention: Legal Award Recipient
From: Linda Lopez, Special Envoy to Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon lindalopez95@yahoo.co.uk +228 064 0198

The United Nations Compensation Unit, in affiliation with World Bank has recently convened for a meeting with the then Secretary General to the UNITED NATIONS Mr. Koffi Annan. This is regarding the lottery draws he organized before he left the office to help individuals to own a self charity organization so as to help th e less privileged in there society.

We are pleased to inform you that your email address was indicated and was drawn,also attached to a ticket number 001768432463 with serial numbers FTS/78049967841/01 and drew the lucky numbers 50-83-44-88-25-39(14) which subsequently won you $100,000.00 (One hundred Thousand USA dollars).

You are advised to contact Mrs. Linda Lopez, Special Envoy to Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of our paying center in Africa, as your winning number was among the list of winners that would be paid from one of our sponsors with world bank Africa unit and she is our representative in Togo Chapter, contact her immediately for your Cheque/ International Bank Draft of USD$100,000. This funds are in a Bank Draft,so she will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice and start up a small NGO in your zone in which we can develop with time depending on your effort.

Therefore, you should send me your full Names, winning number, Mobile Telephone number and your correct Home Address where you want me to send the Draft to you. Contact Mrs. Linda Lopez immediately to collect your Cheque:

Contact: Mrs. Linda Lopez
Email: lindalopez95@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: +228 064 0198

Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the world a better place.

Regards,Mrs. Linda Lopez
Special Envoy to Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon


Legendary Member
That's the finances sorted out, now all we need to do is agree a location for the CycleChat Christmas party.:thumbsup::biggrin:


Well done mate, it's not every day you get a e-mail from Africa telling you that you've won a heap of money - well perhaps it is.

I recently got an e-mail from Halifax Bank telling me that they are upgrading their security and I should fill in the attached form with ALL my details and send it back to them so they could process it. Which I didn't, mainly because I don't have an account with Halifax.


I got one the other day and the amount of money mentioned was $750,000,000,000 US. Is there even that much money in the whole world? :wacko:


New Member
simonali said:
I got one the other day and the amount of money mentioned was $750,000,000,000 US. Is there even that much money in the whole world? ;)

That's certainly a bold attempt to get your attention, but I think $750 billion
is just a middle sized amount especially in US financial circles.

I do have an admiration for the 'Lindas' of the world, at least they're not just sitting around on their btm's bemoaning their fate, they're out there being entrepreneurial!
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