I want to get a Turbo Trainer for the Winter. Any advice would be

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Hip Priest

There was a group test in the last Cycling Plus. If you can get hold of a copy it'd be very informative.
First thing is to have a lobotomy so you will be able to handle the mind numbing boredom that is going to ensue when you get one :whistle:

On a serious note, buy second hand, there are always loads around due their boredom factor, and loads have only ever been used once!


Ridley rider
i use a Decathlon Tacx magnetic.........offers silly amounts of resistance....doubt i will ever use the higher settings.........fairly quiet and quite quick to set up.....i have had no problems and it comes with a mat and riser for the front wheel.
I would recommend an ipod to listen to or telly to watch and a must as far as i'm concerned is a fan to help you keep cooler (unless you plan to use it outside , in the garage etc). You can get a really good/safe workout on a trainer.

EDIT: or buy second hand as others have said....just be careful in regard to oil filled as the older ones have been known to leak.


Ridley rider
i have had no problems.....just make sure you adjust the tension correctly and keep the tyre pressure right....however i do use a spare wheel for mine. you can get special trainer tyres but they are not cheap i have not noticed any wear on my normal slick as yet......in reality you would be putting steady pressure on in a workout not exactly sprinting from a stop position. I would hazard a guess wear occurs with slippage of the tyre on the friction wheel...so as i said if set up properly you would be minimizing this.:thumbsup:


Über Member
A lot of people mention the boredom factor. Can't be any different to a gym bike, can it?


Ridley rider
I dont find it particularly boring buts thats because i'm not exactly the fittist out there so i have to work hard and concentrate on keeping going :biggrin:.
I keepmy workouts to no more than 45 mins max and do intervals rather than long sessions at the same cadence...........intervals=pain..........but more rewarding if you can stomach them.

Music helps.....:music:
A lot of people mention the boredom factor. Can't be any different to a gym bike, can it?

They are only boring if you use them as a replacement for riding on the road - and you will only get bored if you ride it without a purpose. Use it as a training device and it becomes much more interesting.
However many miles you cycle normally - I regularly do 65 + miles during the summer out on the road bike - you won't need to spend that long on the turbo for a good workout. The most I've ever done is around the 1 hour mark.

A good start is to ask yourself what you want it for..? This sounds obvious but I can tell you now that if you think you'll be on it for hours on end, you won't be. It's no replacement for a ride out on the road proper but it's good if you want intensive, focused training sessions, it's too foul to ride or if you are limited by time.

My first turbo was a magnetic one and I didn't like it at all but I had no purpose, I just thought it was a good substitute for a ride out and so I soon got bored given the lack of structure. Now, on the other hand, I have specific training goals and less time than I did (and I have a fluid turbo), the whole thing makes a lot more sense.

Have a think about how you want to use it because as an end itself it's pretty boring to be honest. On the other hand, you can get a very good workout in half-an-hour if you have a focus.

Good luck.

(And I've just seen Black 'n Yellow's post which says roughly the same thing!)


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
First thing is to have a lobotomy so you will be able to handle the mind numbing boredom that is going to ensue when you get one :whistle:

On a serious note, buy second hand, there are always loads around due their boredom factor, and loads have only ever been used once!

Even though you are not being serious you are 100% right.

We have a treadmill and it is boring as hell - nothing can make it otherwise.
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