I have no reason to straighten it, but I'm curious as to whether I could. I was thinking of putting it under a paving slab then rolling over it in the car.
It was dead handy for opening the manhole cover up my back passage. I had to open it so I could sluice out the wheelie bin, into which I'd emptied half a bottle of bleach to kill a maggot infestation I found when I fetched the bin in from being emptied. I opened the lid a few minutes later and tons of what looked smoke and steam billowed out so I thought I'd best give the whole thing a good sloshing around with water (once the gas cloud had dissipated).
Reference 4he mqggots, we've just had the same with ours, TBF for the first time this year...same with several bins round here.
Flyspray...buy a can and spray in your bin every day or so, you dont need to spray too much, just a couple seconds each time.
This year ive forgotten to do it...maggots is the result. Previous years I spray and rarely got maggots.
That must be one serious incontinence problem you have if it requires a manhole cover in order to seal the orifice . Either that or just one very large back passage, but then you do live within close proximity of the docks and I know you were looking to generate funds for a new bike
We had bin issues the other day, maggots everywhere! I shook a load of Raid powder in the bin and then poured 2lts of cheap bleach in for good measure...this also resulted in a steam/smoke outcome.
We then spent an hour refilling the kettle to kill off all the maggots that left the bin and were making for the house!! Our side path looks like a maggot killing field now lol
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