I ****ing hate car drivers...

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I was riding to work today and slowly but surely the patience runs out - like i'm not a ranting maniac, having a go at every CD but after a while it just tires me, the having to make allowances for them, the gutter riding TO SURVIVE ;) and a few more....

How many others feel this :?:
i ride a meter out from the kerb, if they want to get past there is usually space,

if its safe for me to move over a little I do so

I wave cars through or slow slightly to help them get past and everyone is happy

not had a problem for ages except the jeep that didn't stop at the give way lines last night, but i'd planned for that.
The Highway code says you have a right to fully occupy the lane you’re in (even as a non road tax paying cyclist)… In fact, tfl suggest you simply just do this to promote your visibility.

All I can suggest is be aggressive, don’t be under mined by the others on the road – but do be careful - you need to anticipate their moves…


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I had a bad month of it after my knock off at Christmas... 2 additional close calls, and some really stupid driving - i.e. pulling out, turning left on me when I was level with their front wing..... it's all calmed down, but that was the worst month for stupid driving I have ever had....

I was using the "Oi" at first... then it's been all sorts of language when it's been a very very close call..... I'm just back to giving the death stare..... although I do find I jump about 2 feet further out when a car comes close to the stop lines on my left at the moment.

I had 2 vans on Saturday pull out on my (training run) - both from the right.... one just pulled out - I was doing plus 30 down hill - just watched his front wheel angle and I knew I had enough room to go past.....(a few looks from me) I'm now doing 40, slowed down by traffic, and the van is sat on my ass......I am in primary as there are cars in front.... I eye ball him a couple of times going down hill......

Road level's out, I'm still in primary hitting plus 30, then hit a double hair pin..... flash round it and accellerate...out run the van, so now back to 30.....the van now eventually catches up and passes..... Stuff you I think - I am faster. ;)

Same ride, later on, doing 23-25 mph on the flat, another van pulls out in front of me from the right...... sh1tty DAF van, no accelleration - I'm now sat next to his back wheel....do I smack the van or what.....I ended up shouting "F'ing hurry up".....grrrr......


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
BigonaBianchi said:
sooner or later someone on here is going to get hit and badly hurt or worse killed. I sometimes wonder if the internet is a safe place after all.

What do you mean ? - retaliation from a driver, or just an Accident...a few of us have been hit, and a regular on BR has been killed recently !


Über Member
I hate them too Yenners. Its the twunts who think they are on a race circuit powering past usually in a Big Massive W***er or an Audi who really get my goat but standards are so poor these days. I know its only a matter of time before someone gets me I just hope I survive.


Senior Member
i cant comment on how drivers act when cycling (not started commuting yet!) but as a passenger in missus car for the last 3 years i've come to the conclusion that 3 types of bad drivers, old people, boy racers, but about half the bad driving i see is by women drivers!
To be honest most of the drivers I encounter are very civil and well behaved and most of their driving is safe as well. It only takes one car to do something stupid and it sticks in your memory. I ahd a guy pull out on me while I was doing around 30, I let out a big "FACKIN' HELL" he later pulled up beside me and got very aggresive. When I explained to him that I was swearing at the situation of nearly sh*ting myself and not actually at him as a person, he immediately calmed down and went on his way.

I'd also like to add that the recommendation of cycling "aggresively" should be replaced with "assertively" there's a difference. (possibly the spelling!!!)


Eat MY Dust said:
To be honest most of the drivers I encounter are very civil and well behaved and most of their driving is safe as well.


it's an attitude thing ladz ... I just spent an enjoyable hour on the road... busy fast rural A road and a bit urban... no problems no screams or shouts .. was in my own little world anyways .. :smile:

it does beg the question if some on here actually 'look' for trouble and we all know if you it often enough it will come knocking on your door...

juste xpressing a kindly opinion ... don't go mad stary eyed:angry: at me please;)

oh it's a New Year new start anyways ... 'cos come to mention it I did have a pop at a few BMW4x4 driving skills last year..:evil:;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
_Ben_ said:
There are three types of bad drivers:
1) Women drivers
2) Women drivers
3) Women drivers

Oh, yes, hugely amusing.

I'd say the proportion of bad drivers by gender is pretty much proportional to the proportion of each gender driving, myself. Sadly, women seem to be as bad as men.

I'm passed, perfectly safely, by plenty of perfectly ok people. But that wouldn't be interesting would it, as I don't come on here and swear about it... We all remember the idiots, in all situations.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
_Ben_ said:
There are three types of bad drivers:
1) Women drivers
2) Women drivers
3) Women drivers

You ever actually met a woman, Ben?:smile:

Seriously, I've had, oooh, maybe half-a-dozen run-ins with drivers ever. that's in *uses all fingers repeatedly* nearly 30 years. I don't tend to remember all the ones who held back from overtaking till it was clear, stopped to tell me the road was snowy further ahead or just generally drove well.
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