I have embraced the lycra. I am MAMIL!

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Big Andy

Über Member
Hi Everyone

New around here, not new to cycling as I have been riding a Forme Pulse hybrid for a few years (occasionally) however in the last year I decided it was time to sort myself out properly and lose weight and get fit. In the last 13 months I have lost 7 stone, mainly through healthy eating and following the Slimming World plan but also through getting more exercise, initially through lots of walking, monitoring daily steps using a Fitbit, then I moved on to running and did the Couch to 5K plan and over the last few months I have been out on the hybrid regularly too. I am at the stage where I only look slightly ridiculous in Lycra, but I don't care and I have fully embraced the image! ;)

I have been really enjoying the cycling and have been considering for a while purchasing a proper road bike. Well after quite a bit of research online and in various cycle shops I took the plunge, got carried away a bit to be honest, and I now am enjoying riding a Giant Defy Advanced Pro 3. Awesome machine. I will be building up distances from my current 20 to 25 milers over the next few months.

Already enjoying some social riding with a ride tonight planned with the Leicester Spokes group.



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Stubborn git
:welcome: and well done on the transformation. Good effort for 13 months!


Congratulations on your weight loss and I'm not a site elder by any means but welcome to the site none the less.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Well done you. You look so much healthier now. Don't worry about wearing Lyra, it is designed to make cycling more comfortable and it does.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello and welcome to the forum. You have certainly done well to lose so much weight. Congratulations.

Big Andy

Über Member
Well done and welcome. Don't worry about wearing Lycra if you don't want to - there's plenty of other comfortable cycling clothing about.
I'm more than happy in lycra, very comfy, the wife is less than impressed when I climb in to bed with it on though. ;)


Über Member
Saffron Walden
:welcome: well done on the weight loss the miles will increase rapidly and unfortunately you will still loose pounds but more so from the wallet as the cycling bug infects you to the core. Oh and as for the lycra it's not all bad just don't go wearing it to do the shopping.
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