I think I over did things the other day and have been reminded of my 18 year old torn meniscus I didn't get operated on . It hasn't given me any hassle for 18 years but pulling on the pedals with fancy pants shoes on seems to have kicked something off .
The niggle is actually on the cruciate so am I am hoping its just that as that fingy isn't broken so will mend itself if I eat eggs and jelly babies ..... probably .... not at the same time though as that's just wrong !
The niggle is easing off with slow rides without the fancy pants shoes on but is it normal to get the stress in the knee joint when you first start on fancy pants shoes ?
The niggle is actually on the cruciate so am I am hoping its just that as that fingy isn't broken so will mend itself if I eat eggs and jelly babies ..... probably .... not at the same time though as that's just wrong !
The niggle is easing off with slow rides without the fancy pants shoes on but is it normal to get the stress in the knee joint when you first start on fancy pants shoes ?