Hurty knee

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Prize winning member X2
I think I over did things the other day and have been reminded of my 18 year old torn meniscus I didn't get operated on . It hasn't given me any hassle for 18 years but pulling on the pedals with fancy pants shoes on seems to have kicked something off .
The niggle is actually on the cruciate so am I am hoping its just that as that fingy isn't broken so will mend itself if I eat eggs and jelly babies ..... probably .... not at the same time though as that's just wrong !
The niggle is easing off with slow rides without the fancy pants shoes on but is it normal to get the stress in the knee joint when you first start on fancy pants shoes ?


Legendary Member
Yes, potentially, especially if they and the bike aren't set up right


I think I over did things the other day and have been reminded of my 18 year old torn meniscus I didn't get operated on . It hasn't given me any hassle for 18 years but pulling on the pedals with fancy pants shoes on seems to have kicked something off .
The niggle is actually on the cruciate so am I am hoping its just that as that fingy isn't broken so will mend itself if I eat eggs and jelly babies ..... probably .... not at the same time though as that's just wrong !
The niggle is easing off with slow rides without the fancy pants shoes on but is it normal to get the stress in the knee joint when you first start on fancy pants shoes ?

Could be.....just stick to wearing unfancy pants shoes....I like the eggs and jelly babies should patent it :smile:


Prize winning member X2
Well seeing as haribo , bassets and aldi are all doing jelly babies I think that's a dead end so I will patent the egg .
Im hoping the niggle is from me pulling to much on the shoes up the speed humps we have here down south ( we call them hills )
Not sure how bike set up can hurt one knee and not the other but I stand to be corrected . I am right handed so I assume I am right legged aswell . Maybe as the ride went on I used this side more as its my stronger side ?


Legendary Member
Which side do you clip in and out, maybe more pressure on that one? Who set the cleats up, perhaps they are different or your legs are wonky which is common. Do you have cleats on loosest setting? What shoes and cleats? How much float?

Acls don't heal, meniscus tears can, but more often that not don't. Maybe you have retorn or aggravated? If continues, get bike fit checked and or see a physio


Prize winning member X2
Clip in and out on the left side . I didlled about with the cleats until I got what I liked , they are R540 pedals with shimano sm11 cleats although looking at the cleats that may be sh1t :laugh:
RO 78 shimano shoes .
On the loosest settings and I can wiggle my feet around while clipped in so not restricted in that way .
I don't think my meniscus will be repairing itself , physio got my leg working and bending again after a few months on crutches with a hurty leg . Weird feeling when you tell you leg to bend and it just wont do anything !


Legendary Member
I had a meniscus tear for 5 months before surgery. I could bend but couldn't straighten as tissue stuck in joint. I walked on it, no wussing around on crutches for me ;)

Then it started to buckle, so had the op


Prize winning member X2
Sounds like you where lucky . I couldn't put any pressure at all on mine . My leg was locked straight and even touching my toes on the floor sent huge pain into my knee . After they got my leg bending again I had to rebuild up the muscle in my leg as it had wasted away . I had just got back to work when I was called in for the operation but they sent me home about half an hour before I was due in . I was glad to be out of there if im honest as I couldn't afford any more time off work .
This morning ride was a little better with just a small niggle in the knee cap towards the end . Its probably just new muscles getting used but I am over cautious when it comes to that knee .


I have a similar thing it was just a niggle always seemed to get better, then I rode a solo 100KM after building up with a few 70, 80 KM rides and I haven't been able to ride since its not in great pain the knee is just "sore" mainly around and under the patella and when I'm seated it start to ache after a while (if I cross my legs left across right it's better for whatever reason) walking and lying flat are fine and when I wake up in the mornings it's better.

It's my left leg and on my 100KM ride I noticed that the left shoe and cleat was moving around a little in the pedal (SPD-SL). I have since replaced the pedals and I have a bike fitting booked.

But this knee issue is worrying me enough that i'm not riding. I guess I should book a physio.


Prize winning member X2
I think a lot of it is in the mind , I know I am just waiting for my knee to go snap and feel the pain so I have been holding back a lot on that leg . Funny thing is , when I did tear the meniscus the physio told me to ride a bike to get my hurty leg moving again . Seat as high as possible and lower it more and more every day until my leg was bending .
I pushed the leg a little today just to see if I got the same pain again and although its still a hurty knee ( real man hurty knee not just a hurty knee ! ) Im not so worried about kicking off the old injury . Im pretty sure its just my 40 year old legs wondering what the hell I was doing clipping into pedals and trying to pull the joints apart . I blame the jelly babies :hyper:


Legendary Member
My knee is as good as it has been in 3 years, all the cycling and the stronger muscles, better balanced. I still have a scarred over hole in my femur, damage all over the tibia, a missing bit of lateral meniscus and knock knees, but I am lighter, fitter, stronger of leg...and I don't think about the knee 24/7 as I did while trying to recover.

Keep at the cycling, maybe get the lbs to check the cleats are in the right spot and don't over do it. Ice if needed after riding


my LBS didn't buy that it wasn't my cleat making my shoe/pedal interface lose, I got them to replace the pedals anyway.

Still not ridden it since I got it back from the shop, and its got a new 105 cassette. :sad:


Legendary Member
Physiotherapy might help. Find a good private sports physio who can diagnose and help you develop an exercise regimen. There is an e-book called 'saving my knees' that many people have found helpful. Basically you have to dial back all exercise and then start from the basics very slowly finding what works and what not. Can be a few years though!

Knees can be a bitch when they go wrong
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