Hi All,
As a cyclist who only learnt to cycle at the height of last summer, I am beginning to get worried as the temperature drops. I am already reading about the first near misses and offs of winter and the changing/buying of tyres... I would like to carry on commuting, but I have no experience of winter riding and I'd rather keep my limbs intact! (I'm an organist...)
To all the Londoners out there - does it get very icy here? Are the gritters sufficient? (And for all...) What precautions should I take apart from taking it easy? Should I change my tyres? Should I take the bus?
Thanks in advance!
As a cyclist who only learnt to cycle at the height of last summer, I am beginning to get worried as the temperature drops. I am already reading about the first near misses and offs of winter and the changing/buying of tyres... I would like to carry on commuting, but I have no experience of winter riding and I'd rather keep my limbs intact! (I'm an organist...)
To all the Londoners out there - does it get very icy here? Are the gritters sufficient? (And for all...) What precautions should I take apart from taking it easy? Should I change my tyres? Should I take the bus?
Thanks in advance!