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Re: electrical tape.
Is there a reason why this is not done these days?
Re: electrical tape.
This was a surprise to me when I got my new bike recently after a long-ish absence.
I remember my MTB's (many) back in the 90's being wrapped from the tops first ie the tape was angled inwards slightly to start then stretched back whilst wrapping in the 'right' direction so there was no loose bit and then carried on to the end of the bars where it was tucked in.
No loose ends, no electrical tape needed.
Is there a reason why this is not done these days?
I always use self amalgamating tape. It isn't sticky but it bonds permanently to itself when stretched. Get the join underneath for best aesthetics. Something like this: I watched those ones and just did my first attempt. Worked out pretty well for a first go. Make sure you get some electrical tape rather than the poxy stuff that comes in the pack. View attachment 25124