how to pedal correctly

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New Member
isle of anglesey

Ive been cycling for about 2 months and am gradually building up my fitness.

My head is spinning with all the stuff on pedaling techniques.
Hadnt really thought much about it up untill last week.

I have shimano shoes with spd clips and pedals.
Im happy with my fitness and casee it improving. Day by day.

Im not going to be an olympic road cyclist, however, id hate to think i was doing something wrong that could hurt me, or even worse by pedalling differently actually make my rides more efficcient.

On my ride today, i did my first 42 mile non stop.
All i had in my head was push down with ball of foot, then scrape the dirt off the bottom.

End result was my right hand cleat comming loose, lost a screw from it and nearly went a cropper.

There must be an easy way to get this muscle movement into my head without all the science.
Perhaps a slow motion video would help

Please any learnings or tried and tested ways to learn the correct pedaling circle.

Many thanks


You're doing the right thing - you just happened to have a loose screw in your cleat.

With the darker nights just around the corner you might want to think about a Turbo trainer. Apart from keeping you going through the winter months its the ideal way to practice your technique - much easier to do so than on the road. What's your cadence by the way?


When your pushing hard; try lowering the heel slightly, this action will give you a little more power in the push; and help greatly when climbing. Well, it's always worked well for me, but only in the sitting cycling position; as standing on the pedals requires a different tchnique! Your spinning cadance will eventually settle in to a comfortable quick pace.

Sounds like your quite fit - and doing everything you should be doing! Remember to get some recovery rides in, just to relax the legs.



As long as I breathe, I attack.
When i was concerntating on technique i was told to think that i was trying to make make leg go around in smaller circles.I used to grind everywhere which was a throw back form running an old style 6 speed block (13-18) with a52/42 chainring and although i had very good base fitness my speed was not that fast.Interestingly i have just moved onto a bike with sram apex groupset with a compact front chainring and an 11-32 cassette that has taught me to spin an easier gear for the same speed and i have found it a lot less tiring on the whole body .
Did a 60 mile run yesterday and i was surprised to find that my speed had improved and i was not sore the next day.

This is interesting ..

Bikeradar has an article that says everyone has the most efficient style of pedaling which suits them and trying to change your natural rhythm can do more harm than good.

And more stuff... ideas/LFC Notes.htm


For what it's worth, I find that long, steep climbs (in the saddle) are the best place to think about pedalling technique.

Cadence drops to quite a low rate sometimes - and you can concentrate on working round the whole rotation of the pedal.

I wouldn't worry too much about getting it all in one sitting.

Try concentrating on different parts of the 'clockface' at different times and maybe even try to get something right with one foot first and then the other.

Because of your high foot speed even at low cadences, if you try to get everything right from the first moment you might just fry your brain or slam into the back of a stationary milk float.

I hope this is helpful - although I am not the brightest and it may just be a lot of bollocks....


What's your cadence by the way?

No idea. Im using cyclemeter on the iphone.
My highest average is 17.60mph over 26 miles.

Cadence is the number of revolutions you pedal per minute. It's probably more important to concentrate on spinning your pedals around the 90rpm mark than thinking too much about actual pedalling technique. If you push too high a gear with a slow cadence of say, 60 rpm to achieve a high average speed you are putting too much strain on your leg muscles.
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