How to change categorie on profile?

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
Probably the wrong type of title but in a but more explanation:

<Underneath your name or picture, there is a categorie to wat you are. (For me it says Member) I have seen other people with different ones (Camera cyclist, Vice president, etc), But was wondering how you changed it? Or do you just have to wait for permission?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Go to your profile. Click on Edit My profile button and there it should be under profile information.
Click on Signed in As

Then My Settings

Look across the bar and click on Profile

Look down the page and you should see Member Title.
I can't remember what the number is but I think you have to make a certain number of post before you can change it.

I think it's 11,808
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