How much do you value service?

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Well-Known Member
Milton Keynes
Let me first explain why this question has come up, might be here a while so grab a tea and a snack :popcorn:

I went out this morning like I do every weekend but with the intention of extending my normal ~28 mile route. When I got to an area new to me I was trying to follow road signs to places I noted from my checking of the map before the journey. When I saw a sign I turned right, crossing the road but instead of focussing on where I wanted to go I couldn't help but stare at the mud and dip in the side of the road so naturally my bike followed and low and behold as soon as I hit that patch I lost control and down I went. Apart from a bruised ego, sore hand, elbow, shoulder and hip I shook it off and got back on the bike as knew I still had about 20 miles to go.

Anyway I soon forgot about myself and started worrying about what damage I could've done to the bike and with it being extremely windy I was having to use lower gears to get up the hills which when I got down to the first on the middle cog I found my first issue, it just wouldn't settle in so I had to stay in 2nd and above and then noticed I had clicking through all other gears. I rode the rest of the journey taking more care than normal.

As my journey passes the LBS where I got the bike I popped in and asked if they could give it a check over which they happily obliged. This is where the relevance to my question is ;) after checking the bike they came out and explained I'd bent the rear mech hanger but apparently got away lightly as could've been alot worse. The guy went back and sorted this out and reset the rear mech and gave the whole bike a service while there. He came out told me to try not fall off again and said if it happens again then he recommends changing the hanger which will weaken if bent again but luckily isn't expensive. He gave my bike back, wished me well and said they'll just put the work down as a first service and not to worry about it. Since having the bike I've been in a couple of times due to teething niggles and this and each time they've always been happy to help. It's a family run business and full of guys who know their stuff and cyclists alike so I'm always happy to leave them to work on the bike. The service I've received is probably the best I've had from anywhere that I've bought anything from and for this reason I'll be sticking with them for all future bike purchases and servicing etc.

So how much do you value service provided and would that keep your custom or do you still shop around for the best deal not knowing what the after sales service might be like?

Thanks for reading :thumbsup:


New Member
I think if I hadn't had an experience of something gone wrong, "why not shop round and save a few bob".
Wish I had gone to a local LBS (excluding Halfords - I have a story to tell there !)
instead of having to learn a lesson when I bought a bicycle thru a Dealers Web site
Its all about taking each others word when the Dealer is miles away -and they want proof
eg. photographs etc You have to trust them, but they don't trust you

I think face to face contact and service comes high - and well worth the extra
The trust is stronger because you both can see the evidence


Über Member
Durham City, UK

That kind of service means a lot to me and the LBS would get my loyalty.

I'm forced to commute by bike at the moment and due to the unexpected miles, I ordered a new bike from Infinity Cycles in Durham, as my current bike is getting a bit old and isn't really suited to commuting.
Unfortunately the new bike was delayed by the manufacturer and my current bike has developed a problem that I feared was going to stop me using it before the new one arrives.
Although Saturday is a very busy day for the shop, a last minute phonecall to them late in the week saw my bike in their workshop first thing this morning and me back on the road this afternoon.

Top marks to the owner and to his workshop team, that kind of service assures my loyalty and in turn the word gets spread :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Milton Keynes
G-Zero I'm glad I'm not the only one then :smile:

Good service is very important to me as with bikes I know nothing so it's great to know I can pop in and have a chat with them and they don't mind that I'm not there to buy as they know when I am I'll be be back. Don't get me wrong I love to get a bargain but if it costs me a little more for peace of mind and continued service I'll take that any day. It's funny because before I bought my bike I didn't know they were there it was purely word of mouth from someone at work saying how great they are that made me go in and I'm glad they told me :biggrin:
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