How long does it take to house train a dog?

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Mrs Greedo was saying at the weekend how she would like a dog next year.

Don't know if either of us would be much cop at cleaning up it's mess as we both have a low gag threshold.

Also after it's house trained I don't know if I could still do it as the sight of a dog owner out walking their dog and swinging a bag with the dogs steaming hot crap also makes me want to gag.

Is it just a case of getting on with it as it's your dog or will this be a problem?


Cake connoisseur
You could always have an adult dog from a rescue centre, which would be already house-trained.

Otherwise you just get used to things (in the smae way people don't bat an eye at their own kids' chunder, poo etc).


That's what I was thinking. You just get on with things when you have to

Baggy said:
You could always have an adult dog from a rescue centre, which would be already house-trained.

Otherwise you just get used to things (in the smae way people don't bat an eye at their own kids' chunder, poo etc).


Not keen on small dogs

I like Weimaraners but I don't think Mrs G does. She thinks they look a bit too perfect. She likes scruffy looking dogs. Maybe that's why I got a look in with her ;)

BigonaBianchi said:
Whatever you do don't get a Jack Russell...the barking will send you insane.


There's a couple of things you can do to prevent (in as much as you can) and encourage your dog not to mess inside...
Feeding is often soon followed by the desire to dont feed late at night.
If your pup does poo inside (which is inevitable)...dont throw away the mess. Instead keep it, cherish it ;), move it to where you want the pup to go, and leave it there, and praise him when he goes to it. You can even go as far as taking him to it's new location, let him sniff it, and praise him. Let the dog get used to going in a certain place.
I've always managed to train my labs to 'go' in the same place all the time by doing that.


Legendary Member
Get a very clever dog. I shared a house in east London once with some people who had a cross Alsatian/Labrador, it was very intelligent and one day when it got left in the house alone it went upstairs and shat in the bath plug hole. I thought that was pretty clever. It wouldn't have been too hard to train it to use the WC.


Started young, and still going.
gbb said:
There's a couple of things you can do to prevent (in as much as you can) and encourage your dog not to mess inside...
Feeding is often soon followed by the desire to dont feed late at night.
If your pup does poo inside (which is inevitable)...dont throw away the mess. Instead keep it, cherish it xx(, move it to where you want the pup to go, and leave it there, and praise him when he goes to it. You can even go as far as taking him to it's new location, let him sniff it, and praise him. Let the dog get used to going in a certain place.
I've always managed to train my labs to 'go' in the same place all the time by doing that.

As above, plus a pup will pee very soon after it wakes up, even after an afternoon nap so keep an eye out for that as well.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Greedo said:
Not keen on small dogs

I like Weimaraners but I don't think Mrs G does. She thinks they look a bit too perfect. She likes scruffy looking dogs. Maybe that's why I got a look in with her xx(
Don't forget that big dogs do big poos. My Rottie sometimes did ones so big I needed both hands to get the bag over and around it to scoop it up and I have fairly big hands.

If you can't handle the clean up then maybe a dog isn't a good idea. It is worse when the dog gets the runs on the carpet.


Legendary Member
AGES! We`ve two Yorkshire Terriers and neither one will use a vacuum cleaner or wash dishes.xx(

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Greedo said:
I like Weimaraners but I don't think Mrs G does. She thinks they look a bit too perfect. She likes scruffy looking dogs. Maybe that's why I got a look in with her xx(
I have a weimaraner, a beautiful doggie, but I definitely wouldn't recommend them for people who haven't had dogs before as they're pretty high maintenance.


With regard to clearing poops and the occasional vomit that dogs present one with, you eventually get semi-immune to it and just get on with it, but I can definitely recommend a Vax for the vomiting-indoors situations.
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