How do I remove top bar levers?

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Formerly known as DavidDecorator
I need to remove what are called the "suicide levers" from my Raleigh Equipe Racer. They don't stop me in time despite pumping them when I'm in traffic. This has proven to be dangerous. How do I go about removing them? I want to remove them cleanly without leaving jagged bits of metal behind and tighten the caliper brakes afterwards. Thanks.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Is there no obvious external attachment holding them to the hoods? ISTRC seeing a large scew head on one pair. Otherwise it's a question of removing the bar tape and taking the brakes right off the handlebars so you can investigate the internals. I'd sort of expect a nut on the inside, but if they are riveted you would have to drill through from the outside..... in which case I wouldnt bother and just get a new (or second hand) pair of levers.


Senior Member
I removed mine today to wrap the bars on my "new" Raleigh Pursuit - just a big screw/bolt and a couple of washers. However, this all fits into a threaded post which is not removable, so either grind it off or replace with new levers I guess. Might be worth playing around with the caliper to reduce the distance from pad to rim. It'll improve brake response in both sets of levers.


If it was me, I'd just buy some decent levers off ebay. Something like these. You'll be amazed how much better they feel and work than the ones you have now, even without the suicide bits, and if you're prepared to be patient, you'll get a pair for a fiver all in, give or take.


I'm back! Yippeee
i have a bordman cx and love the top bar leavers, they work by inturepting the outer cable to operate the brakes and are so brill i wounder why it hasent be manufatured befor :thumbsup:


i have a bordman cx and love the top bar leavers...
Spelling issues aside, this might be the time to point out that the thread title mentions top bar levers but that's not what he is actually talking about.

The Rally Equipe has "suicide levers", as mentioned in the OP, which are very much not the same as the cross top levers fitted to the Boardman CX.


My Armchair
I thought they were now called 'sissy levers' :unsure:

Anyway, I will be trying them soon so am pleased they are now much better at stopping :thumbsup:
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