If you have images hosted on a web service such as Flickr and you want to include them in a post on CycleChat, here's how.
When you're ready to insert your image click on the photo icon in the editor:
This will popup a box asking you for the web address for your image:
Insert the web address for the picture (in this example I'm going to use a publicly available image at the following URL - http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/graphics/photos/k7038-4.jpg):
... and here's the finished image:
When you're ready to insert your image click on the photo icon in the editor:
This will popup a box asking you for the web address for your image:
Insert the web address for the picture (in this example I'm going to use a publicly available image at the following URL - http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/graphics/photos/k7038-4.jpg):
... and here's the finished image: