How Difficult is it to learn to rebuild a bike?

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New Member
Hi I have an old mountain bike very basic and old with no suspension.
I use it to commute mainly a to b, its old and i only paid like 50 euros for it about 4 yrs ago.
Im buying a new bike for fitness and have decided for commuting ill keep my old mountain bike. Its really in serious need of some maintenance,like a new cassetter new derailleurs new chain etc. I was thinking to myself how difficult is it to replace all this yourself? I also thought what a great way of learning about bike parts and components and how they work and how to maintain etc.
So how difficult is it to learn to do this? Is there a useful place for info or instructional videos or a book thats worth buying on how to do this?

Any input would be helpful thanks


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
The Park Tools website is very helpful. The Haynes Bike Book is good. And you can always post specific queries here, of course.

Most bike maintenance jobs are fairly straightforward, as long as you have a bit of patience and the right tools. I've taught myself pretty much everything there is to do on a bike up to and including replacing bottom brackets and building wheels. And if I can do it...

I think the only job I've never done is replacing a headset.



Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Regarding tools - you really will find most jobs much easier if you use the correct tool rather than try to fudge it. It can be expensive but I've built up quite a decent bike tool kit over the years by buying bits and pieces as and when I need them, rather than all in one go. A set of decent quality allen keys is a good start.


Über Member
Stockport, UK
It's pretty straight forward - especially on modern bikes where everything is (supposedly!) standard/works in a similar way.

I couldn't change a brake pad last year but I just finished rebuilding an old bike from the 60's using a few online vids and guides. Definitely good to learn on a cheap bike 1st though :smile:

A set of decent quality allen keys is a good start.
+1 !!
I re-built my first bike when I was 14 (34 years ago), the only thing thats really changed are the brake/gear shifters headsets, bottom brackets, and cassettes (suppose that means the whole set up really), but even so its only a slight design change (apart from the shifters, that was a quantum leap), well in my limited experience.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
The beauty of the interenet these days is youtube. So many helpful videos on there that you can look at several times before attempting the job and so satisgying once you have completed it. I would suggest a basic tool kit such as this one for example (I am sure LIDL or Aldi do one as well) and then work onwards from there,

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The internut is your number one tool . It has been so much easier to learn than before,when you learned bike maintenance from books and your friends , who may have been right or wrong when teaching you.


Oxford, UK
I'd definitely second the Park Tools website and Haynes Bike Book. I tend to just search Youtube for videos if I think I need to see something - there's so much there.

Best bit of advice is to get decent tools (super cheap ones might as well be made of cheese), they'll pay for themselves in the long run. They don't have to be expensive but if it seems too good to be true (and there ain't anyone reputable recommending them) then it almost certainly is.

Also, take your time when you try something new. It's easy to get over excited (at least it is for me) and end up doing a bit of minor damage to yourself or the bike. I've ended up rounding off nuts and bolts or skinning my knuckles on numerous occasions. I am exceptionally clumsy though. Most jobs are reasonably straightforward and common sense so definitely go for it!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
just take it apart and put it back together again... that's what i did with my Raliegh tomahawk aged 7... I didn't manage to get all the ball bearings back in but it was in one piece before dad noticed ^_^


Most kit comes with instalation instructions and as said, if that isn't enough you tube, etc will have an answer... and of course if something isn't going right then you can always post on this forum for help. Although there is lots of high precission engineering and advancements, bicycles are not complicated machines. You will gain alot of useful knowledge and skills for maintaining bikes, which will help you get the most out of all your bikes present and future.


Über Member
Stockport, UK
Oh, and if you come across a youtube video where the chap says "Hit your chainring with the mallet to knock the crank off" - stop watching it. Can't find the vid now unfortunately :wacko:


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
The only thing that catches me out every now and then is that some bits screw in and out the wrong way :whistle:. The bicycle is probably the simplest "complicated" machine aroun. Park tools website ,as others have said, is excellent and YouTube is your friend. Sheldon Brown's website is also a great source of knowledge and advice, especially for older bikes.
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