How can I get this out?

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I rather stupidly, (although completely accidentally), pushed a bar end light too far into the bars, and now I can't get it out.

The light is one of THESE and I'm stumped.

When I try to loosen the screw the whole thing just spins, but I can't get any purchase on it to try and pull it out, it's probably about 3 inches into the bars.

I've tried a plastic rod from the other end, but I'm not convinced it quite reached, but even if it had I couldn't get enough push on it to try and shift it.

I'm guessing a welding rod, but I'm worried about damaged the light unit.

Mrs S said can I not just replace the bars! I said it would be a damn site cheaper to leave it in there and just buy another set.

So over to CC land, any ideas, anyone else done something similarly daft?

Any help appreciated.


Legendary Member
Far Far Away
You don't half create work for yourself!


If the light unit is spinning presumably it's fairly loose - would a strong magnet work? (Assuming the bolt is steel).

Drain cleaning rod?



Legendary Member
Far Far Away
I'd push it all the way in and put a standard plug back on


Push it all of the way in with another light unit

Bodgeit n scarper

Btw never let me loose in your house with electricity.

You could also play the carbon bars card now your wife has INSISTED you get some new bars.

You could also sit on the sofa with the bars all night twiddling away with a wire coat hanger or tweezers :smile:


Legendary Member
Far Far Away
Take the bars off and point the hole down and give it a couple of sharp whacks.
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