How best to wash dried blood out of merino....?

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Die it a dark colour then you don't notice the blood :thumbsup:

All you can do is soak it in warm water with soap flakes, do not agitate, and hope for the best.

Then rinse and air dry flat, do not dry with heat as that will make it harder to lift any blood remaining.


Tim Hall

Umm, something to do with soaking in salt water. The saltiness busts open the red blood cells inna osmotic stylee. Then wash as normal.


Here for rides.
salt water overnight soak got the worst out, and made my daughter scream, when she saw my kit "soaking in a bucket of blood", and the bulk of the garment is black. vanished the stains on the white bits, and they've faded acceptably. My ruddy watch made a hole in the left sleeve. That's almost as ridiculous as the hole in my forehead/black eye my sunglasses made/caused. My right glove had soaked up an awful lot and had set hard.

bib shorts will need stitching when dry but the hole isn't too bad tbh.


hints, tips, clues, please.....

Sounds like there's a story behind this :eek:
In addition to soaking in salt water try applying some washing machine gel ( if you use it ) directly to the affected area. Rub it in and leave for an hour before washing as normal. This method has removed blood from my kit in the past.

Sounds like you took a right old tumble.
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