- Location
- 53.933606, -1.076131
1st Jan: child #4 jambs his finger in the fast spinning transmission of his fixed wheel bike as I'm demonstrating the 'so called Mickle method' to him. The chain ring bites his nail in two. Trip to A&E.
2nd Jan: Nursing bitch develops mastisis. Tit nearly explodes. Trip to vets and large bill.
Jan 3rd: I arrange to do various tasks to a client's property while they're away over Xmas. Cleaners unexpectedly enter and traipse up the freshly painted basement stairs. The boiler that I arranged to have repaired (and paid £340 for on my credit card) on Monday now no longer warms the radiators, so they're about to return to a freezing house.
Today: the boiler has sprung a leak.
2nd Jan: Nursing bitch develops mastisis. Tit nearly explodes. Trip to vets and large bill.
Jan 3rd: I arrange to do various tasks to a client's property while they're away over Xmas. Cleaners unexpectedly enter and traipse up the freshly painted basement stairs. The boiler that I arranged to have repaired (and paid £340 for on my credit card) on Monday now no longer warms the radiators, so they're about to return to a freezing house.
Today: the boiler has sprung a leak.