Well I took it apart and the O ring is still there ... and sits in the black plastic bit of the clamp.
I've not got any lock tight ... which one would I need ... and what else could I use it on... I could get some for Mr Summerdays stocking
Take your pick...
Loctite 221 Threadlocking - Low strength, low viscosity, small threads Threadlocker
Loctite 222 Threadlocking - Low strength, general purpose Threadlocker
Loctite 2400 Threadlocking - Medium Strength Threadlocker "white" Material Safety Data Sheet
Loctite 241 Threadlocking - Medium strength, low viscosity, small threads threadlocker
Loctite 242 Threadlocking - Medium strenght, medium viscosity, general purpose threadlocker
Loctite 243 Threadlocking - Suitable for all metal threaded assemblies.
Loctite 245 Threadlocking - Medium strength, medium viscosity, large threads threadlocker
Loctite 248 Threadlocking - Medium strength threadlocker (stick)
Loctite 262 Threadlocking - High/Med Strength Torque Tension Threadlocker
Loctite 268 Threadlocking - High Strenght Threadlocker (Stick)
Loctite 270 Threadlocking - High Strength Threadlocker
Loctite 2700 Threadlocking - High Strength Threadlocker “white” Material Safety Data Sheet
Loctite 2701 Threadlocking - High strength, especially for chromated surfaces Threadlocker
Loctite 271 Threadlocking - High strength, low viscosity Threadlocker
Loctite 272 Threadlocking - High temperature, high strength Threadlocker
Loctite 275 Threadlocking - High strength, high viscosity, large threads Threadlocker
Loctite 276 Threadlocking - High strength, especially for nickel surfaces Threadlocker
Loctite 277 Threadlocking - High strength, high viscosity, large threads Threadlocker
Loctite 278 Threadlocking - High Strength, high temperature Threadlocker
Loctite 290 Threadlocking - Penetrating Threadlocking Compound
Seriously though, 221 or 222. I wouldn't reccomend superglue it's not easy to get things apart.