Hoover Washing Machine

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Legendary Member
I have a hoover washing machine with the Wizard app that enables you to set machine going remotely.

I have had to get a new router today & as a result machine won't connect to WiFi.

There are no instructions I can find on how to change wife settings.

Any ideas?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
ask the wife? ...but she mightn't want her settings changed.


Leg End Member
Have you still got the "manual" that came with the machine?
If not, try the Hoover website for the manual and it's possible someone else may have asked the same question there.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
If all else fails, could you change the router SSID and WiFi passkey to the values of the old router, thus making the new router “look” the same as the old one.
I have a hoover washing machine with the Wizard app that enables you to set machine going remotely.

I have had to get a new router today & as a result machine won't connect to WiFi.

There are no instructions I can find on how to change wife settings.

Any ideas?

Google, divorce :ohmy:

Seriously Google hoover washing machine wifi setup:

View: https://youtu.be/7o_H8CX5a7U?si=TcXpDFbI9-JcIoyW
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I've never been keen on anything like a washing machine or a dishwasher running when I wasn't at home. I've heard too many stories of them catching fire.

I can't remember which machine I was looking at but it had a timer so you could run it on half price energy overnight and then at the end of the manual there was a disclaimer something like, "do not use unobserved". Are you supposed to set the timer for 2am and get up then to keep an eye on it :tired:


Über Member
We have a Hoover washing machine and the door latch handle broke after 1 year and 1 day - despite a 5 year 'parts warranty' (indeed the 5 years parts warranty sticker was still on the front of the integrated appliance :laugh: ) they wouldn't supply the part (plastic handle) unless I paid over £160 labour or £70 for the part (complete door, as they don't sell the handle separately). I contacted by email asking them what the usual tested failure rate figures are for the part in domestic use and quoted the SOGA which says 'reasonable time' doesn't always mean 1 year exactly. They wouldn't relent. If it had been a major part such as the motor I'd have been referring them to Trading Standards. I got a similar plastic handle (I had to drill the hinge-pin hole a little larger) off Ebay for £2.95 and fixed it within 40 minutes. It is a slightly different handle shape but being hidden by the cabinet door it doesn't matter, and we weren't bothered anyway. In fact, I got another for £2.95 which is still in the spares drawer 5 years later ;)
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