We have a Hoover washing machine and the door latch handle broke after 1 year and 1 day - despite a 5 year 'parts warranty' (indeed the 5 years parts warranty sticker was still on the front of the integrated appliance

) they wouldn't supply the part (plastic handle) unless I paid over £160 labour or £70 for the part (complete door, as they don't sell the handle separately). I contacted by email asking them what the usual tested failure rate figures are for the part in domestic use and quoted the SOGA which says 'reasonable time' doesn't always mean 1 year exactly. They wouldn't relent. If it had been a major part such as the motor I'd have been referring them to Trading Standards. I got a similar plastic handle (I had to drill the hinge-pin hole a little larger) off
Ebay for £2.95 and fixed it within 40 minutes. It is a slightly different handle shape but being hidden by the cabinet door it doesn't matter, and we weren't bothered anyway. In fact, I got another for £2.95 which is still in the spares drawer 5 years later