Hit & run, Shropshire/Cheshire border.

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Sadly a cyclist has died after being hit by a lorry on the A530 near Whitchurch. Report here.

Even more sadly, this is the second fatal hit and run in a week in the North Shropshire area. The other was a pedestrian and a coach is currently being forensically tested on suspicion of being involved.
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Secret Lemonade Drinker
RIP to the cyclist.

Not the place for this, but WTFing hell makes someone just drive off!!!!!
Just around the corner from me. I cross that road regularly on my bike, and drive it regularly - like last night. It's reputed to be one of the most dangerous roads in the UK - but not sure why. However, it is busy, twisty and bordered by hedges, and I'd never ride along it.

Whilst there may be no alternative, but I do wonder if some cyclists don't think that a road might be just too dangerous on a bike? There are certainly A roads (and some B roads at certain times) that I'll never ride on.

RIP to the victim.


"Police have arrested a man in connection with a fatal collision near Nantwich yesterday.

The 36-year-old was arrested in Wigan this afternoon. He remains in custody at this time.

Officers have now traced a lorry believed to be involved in the collision and enquiries are continuing at this time.

Emergency services were called at 1.40pm on the 12th following reports of a collision between a lorry and a cyclist on the A530 Whitchurch Road at Baddington Bridge near Nantwich.

Sadly, the cyclist – Stewart Gandy, aged 65, from Crewe – died at the scene.

Anyone who witnessed what happened or has any information, which might assist officers with their enquiries, is urged to call Cheshire Police on 101."


https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q= Baddington Bridge &hl=en&ll=53.043329,-2.541189&spn=0.032251,0.084543&sll=53.031665,-2.563848&sspn=0.03226,0.084543&hnear=Baddington Ln, Nantwich CW5 8AD, United Kingdom&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=53.043411,-2.54109&panoid=yB8sPhf9R0VZ_L-Tz2ntuQ&cbp=12,38.66,,0,0.82

Note: location is different from the first report
Rickshaw Phil

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I'm glad they've caught someone. Now we wait to see what happens.

I had noted the different location. The actual location of an incident being different to the one initially reported seems to happen quite a lot.

I'm with @andytheflyer - there are plenty of A and B roads I don't like to ride if I can at all help it, as so many people don't drive with any kind of care.:sad:
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