Hip joint pain Both sides................Why----??

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Aka Chris
london N16
Hi guys & Gals i need some advice..?
Been cycling regulary now doing a 7 mile trip each way to work & back, But lately ive been getting pain in my hip joint area on both sides & im wondering could it be down to not warming up properly?? as i do start of slow, as the begining of the journey is down hill for a mile an a half..
Basically i get up then after getting ready in about 25mins i start to ride, is that to soon maybe???


Über Member
Getting up and out in 25 mins may not be ideal but for a short journey like yours its not an issue.
Position on the bike? reach, saddle height etc.
Set up of the bike? right size, crank length, saddle level?
Clipless pedals? cleat position, pedaling action?


Ridley rider
you dont say whether you have the pain during or after a ride?
I reckon you are probably warming up ok on the bike. It could be down to overeaching on the extension on your legs or any of the multitude of the above possible reasons mentioned by festival.
i am having some problems (read took yesterday off the bike and was in agony most of last night) with my left hip which in part is due to a fall but i was overeaching so the saddle was dropped a little which helped. I do an eight mile commute both ways. I do stretch after each ride which DOES help, just three basic stretches for the hams, quads glutes and the psoas (one of the hip muscle group, expalined to me my by my chiropractor).
Remember i'm no doctor! But i would suggest getting it checked out if it continues after ironing out the basics.......


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
First of all I would suggest having your position on the bike checked. Pop into your LBS and I'm sure they'd be happy to help. Next I'd suggest giving yourself more time to get ready before going out, having a drink and something to eat, rather than going 'cold'. Finally I'd say that you should go to your doctor or other professional for expert advice where they can give a more detailed examination and diagnosis. Actually you should get checked out first and then do the rest!

Let us know how you get on.


Cycling in the sun
I have pain in my right hip due to tightness in my
I do stretch after each ride which DOES help, just three basic stretches for the hams, quads and the psoas (one of the hip muscle group, expalined to me my by my chiropractor).
I'm also suffering with tightness in my hamstring and psoas in particular and have been doing some stretches. What I'm uncertain about is how long I should be stretching after a ride? And should it be immediately after to have the most benefit (which is when I'm normally sitting down and having a long drink - and then I forget and get on with other things).


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Whereabouts in the hip is it hurting?
i used to suffer with pain in the hip/groin area that was caused by a tight muscle deep in my hip area near the psoas , probably uses the same stretch.

How high is your saddle. If you are rocking from side to side on it as you pedal it is too high and could cause hip pain. To get the height right sit on the saddle and put your heel on the pedal and you should have a straight leg. That gives you just enough extra then when you pedal with the ball of your foot.


Ridley rider
I have pain in my right hip due to tightness in my
I'm also suffering with tightness in my hamstring and psoas in particular and have been doing some stretches. What I'm uncertain about is how long I should be stretching after a ride? And should it be immediately after to have the most benefit (which is when I'm normally sitting down and having a long drink - and then I forget and get on with other things).

Sorry it should read glutes not quads.
i stretch quite soon after the ride whilst still warm, get half changed........stretch....change into clothes....protein drink........ I only do one stretch per leg usually unless that muscle is playing upin which case i do more reps, i try to take my time and breath well during so as to feel the stretch........i'm sure you could get away with up to 5 reps of each if you wanted but i dont have the time when i get to work.....i find it best to stretch as soon as i get off the bike as above......otherwise i'm like you and forget/can't be arsed :rolleyes:


Aka Chris
london N16
Hi guys, Thanks for all your replies but looking at festivals answers it seems since ive been using clipless peddles...?? it was alright before?? i get the pain during the day at work, i get up from a seat and i look like a very old man & im only young?? But how can they be set up wrongly as ive tried to copy the position with normal pedals? ie the spindle to my ball of my feet? but looking at the shoes my cleat is very forward to the front...? Any more ideas guys..


Well-Known Member
Yes get a fitting I say first got my roadie and hips felt broken seat was much too high


Ridley rider
Ahh. this is what i think has been giving me problems......clipless....you are using your legs to pull up on the pedal stroke as you should be, the psoas muscle is the one which pulls your leg up...........you are probably using this muscle more without knowing it and after sitting for a while its playing up......exactly my symptoms. All i have done is carried on but made sure i rest in between and of course the psoas stretch as above it helps......only stretch gently and stop if there is any pain....with this strecth you will feel the psoas muscle as you move gently forward from the bottom of your gut down into your groin.
I would have thought (and there are much more experienced people on here than me) that you would be getting foot/calve problems if it were solely your cleat setup. hope that helps and other chip in even if its to contradict me:smile:


Aka Chris
london N16
Just looked up the (psoas muscle) That must be the one......? Lol.. Now im guna check & set up my bike to the best i can then go through the pain barrier to get used to it....?


Ridley rider
i only carried on after seeing my chiropractor and he gave me the go ahead.
As has been said before take it easy, get a bike fit if you are not sure as it could still be a number of factors......it is just that your symptoms mirror mine .
I would not advocate going through the pain barrier on this type of thing as its a strain/overuse type injury, you are probably using muscles you have not used much before. Oh and ice packing it for 10-15 minutes at a time will help if its playing up. Remember what i said .....i'm no doctor/physio!
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