Highway Code

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There's specific laws in certain US states (3 feet rule) but I'm unaware of any here and like you I think what we do have is very vague :sad:

I'm unsure as to the legalities of the 2 second rule too and what will be enforced under the new powers given to the police :wacko:


Über Member
Auld Reeker
Crap isn't it. Made worse by the word 'should', not must.

Even if there was a quoted distance the word 'should' would make it meaningless.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
There is no law in the UK which states how much room you should leave a cyclist when overtaking them.
And rule 163's wording is pretty crap, as it states that you should give as much space as you do a car. Well if they overtake cars closely, it's ok to pass a cyclist closely.


Nr Cambridge
danphoto, What they mean & what the wording can be interpreted as are 2 different things. Unfortunately in the current age of legal pedantry the spirit of something is ignored & the exact letter means everything, if you can argue that someone adhered to the letter of something (but broke the spirit) then it's okay. :rolleyes:


New Member
East Sussex
danphoto, What they mean & what the wording can be interpreted as are 2 different things. Unfortunately in the current age of legal pedantry the spirit of something is ignored & the exact letter means everything, if you can argue that someone adhered to the letter of something (but broke the spirit) then it's okay. :rolleyes:

Absolutely. But if a car driver's barrister argued that his client has adhered to the letter of the wording by passing me with a foot to spare, I would expect my barrister to argue that the accompanying illustration forms part of the Rule and makes it patently clear to any dickhead what is meant :becool:

But whatever, you're right. The wording is ill-considered and it does need to be corrected.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
It's why the 'Give Cyclists Room' campaign was such a waste of time.

"I did give him room - half an inch is good enough for anyone!"

Any campaign needs to actually educate as well as encourage compliance: "My Elbow to your Mirror - at least 3 feet please!"


Rule 212

"When passing motorcyclists and cyclists, give them plenty of room. If they look over their shoulder it could mean that they intend to pull out, turn right or change direction. Give them time and space to do so."

Again open to the definition of plenty but more illustrative for those drivers who don't give car enough room when passing, so there is no chance they'd give cyclists enough.


Senior Member
Near Windsor
How many cagers have you met that have actually read the Highway Code since they did their test?
IMO it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference if the Highway Code said "If you see a cyclist ahead, find an alternative route". Most people seem to drive "according to their ooman rights to do WTF they like" and hey, we're all in their way and should be run off the road. FFS even an old lady that my mum used to give a lift home from church said that!!! My mum pointed out that I was a cyclist, and that it was quite a long way to where she lived, would she prefer to walk?


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
always try to pass cyclists with at least 6 feet clearance.
Also, motorists should remember that they should not overtake cyclists on zig zag lines at pedestrians crossings or if the cyclist is doing more than 10mph when there is a double solid white line in the middle of the road.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Another point in the highway code that car drivers dont seem aware of is that thet are allowed to cross double white lines to give a cyclist room when overtaking.Most seem to prefer to scrape the end of your handlebars rather than put their offside wheels over the double white line.


Senior Member
Near Windsor
Yeah but see Gavroche's post #12. Actually cars are only allowed to pass objects that are stationary or travelling at less than 10mph in a double white line system. It's another case of the letter of the law vs the spirit. Assuming your speed is <10mph, a car driver who overtook you with plenty of room but crossed the double white line would be committing an offence. The same car sneaking past you with half an inch to spare would be within the law (double white line rule), though he would also be in contravention of the rule that says he should pass you with "as much space as you would a car". Seeing as one rule is fairly nebulous and ill-defined, but the other states clearly that you must not cross or straddle the DWL, most cagers would go for option 1 rather than wait.

Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.

… give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car (see Rules 211-215)


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Yeah but see Gavroche's post #12. Actually cars are only allowed to pass objects that are stationary or travelling at less than 10mph in a double white line system.
Another case of the letter of the law vs the spirit. Assuming your speed is <10mph, a car driver who overtook you with plenty of room but crossed the double white line would be committing an offence. The same car sneaking past you with half an inch to spare would be within the law (double white line rule), though he would also be in contravention of the rule that says he should pass you with "as much space as you would a car". Seeing as one rule is fairly nebulous and ill-defined, but the other states clearly that you must not cross or straddle the DWL, most cagers would go for option 1.

I hadnt noticed the last line on Gavroches post, sorry for repeating it. I think the first line of your earlier post sums it up, unfortunately IMHO most drivers dont have much idea about the highway code and dont seem to really care much either.
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