Hi from Pembrokeshire

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Senior Member
Hi all,

I'm Nigel, 52 from beautiful Pembrokeshire. In the process of getting a bike through the C2W scheme, getting a Giant Defy 3 :becool:. Last time I rode a drop handlebar bike was donkeys years ago (steel frame, 10 speed with the gear levers on the down tube)

I thought it was about time I got some exercise, just a bit worried about the hills as it's hard to avoid them around here.

Still waiting for payment to go through on C2W, says it could take up to 30 days :sad: Was a bit peed off that I have to pay full retail through the scheme, would have been better off buying outright with the discounts available, maybe for the next bike :thumbsup:


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi. Welcome to the forum :welcome: @Nidge

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I wouldn't worry about hills before you even got the bike: you'll probably surprise yourself ^_^
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