Hi From North Norfolk, England - Additional Pix of Claud Butler "Hammer LX"

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Active Member
Hi Folks,

I've been looking for a cycling forum that ISN'T too 'elitist' & is rather more down to earth - (than a few others which I've browsed)

Having trawled thru quite a number of threads here (over the last few weeks), I've decided to join-up here & give it a go.

I first started cycling back in 1968, when my dear ol' Mother bought me a rather beautiful/handsome "Elsewick Hopper"

Metallic Red & Metallic Turquoise WERE 'all the rage' back in 1968 and my li'l Elsewick Hopper looked suave to a kid, my age !

Grew tall REAL quick and by the summer of 1972, I had a stunning & lovely 'Edwards' 26inch Racing Bike
- (known as 'Road Bike' thesedays, it appears !)

I absolutely fell 'in love' with that stunning & (seemingly) fast bike & pretty-much went everywhere on it
- it was my main form of transport (86's Bus excepted)

I should also 'chuck-in here', that I'm a Londoner, so, didn't reap the benefits of North-Norfolk geography until much later in life

That 'Edwards' 26in cycle (Romford), gave me SUCH a huge sense of freedom
(& at an early young age), plus gave me a sense of road-awareness, too.

From 1968 thru until 1998, I only ever had those TWO bikes in my life - That was it -
Then in 1998, I bought a beautiful & strong Claud Butler "Hammer LX" = M.T.B

DSC01311 - Handbuilt in England  'LX' - 1022 pixels.jpg

Hammer LX - Shenfield  -   1022pixels.jpg

In fact, I loved it SO much, that last-week, I managed to snag yet another - Exactly the same bike - Seen Above

Amazingly I won it for just £37.57

8 x bids only, (via E-Bay) - Although of course I had to travel, to go pick it up - Photo' is by Neil, the guy I bought it from

Same Graphics & same age/vintage - 1998 model/version

Rides smooth as silk & in fact, being honest, has the slight edge, ride-wise, over my own 1998 original

But just before that, in fact on 20th March 2022, I travelled to Lincoln (just North), to buy TWO rather beautiful & cheap as chips "Road Bikes".

Bought the pair for just (a laughable), £55.00 = BOTH BIKES together for that price, privately of course.

Both (re-constructed) run absolutely immacualte (as was their condition too), well-maintained & needing nothing (as such)

I did (for my own peace of mind), re-fit some new parts
- namely a stem-raiser/riser to each, as I'm notably taller than the couple I bought the bikes from !

Changed the 'razor-blade' saddles too, in keeping with something rather more suitable for my 'fat-ar$e' - sprung-comfort, raised-bars.

Did actually buy ALL the bars & accessories needed, to change-over to flat-bars & cowhorns (bar-ends),
but have gotten used to "raised drop H/bars" instead.

It's re-kindled my love of cycling & dabbling around with quill-stems, bar-risers, headstocks, has given me a greater-knowledge.

To be fair, also being a M/cyclist (lifelong), gave me a headstart, as regards to spannering & dabbling, as I've change bars on them, too.

Some might ask as to 'why' I went-in for another Silver "Hammer LX", but I always did want another (even as spares-source, in future-years)

I'm not daft - I've noticed that cycle parts HAVE rather sky-rocketed in recent months (as have M/cycle spares), so I regard it as an investment.

May even contemple adding an electric-pack (& front-hub-motor) to one of them (the Silver LX), at some later time, in future, but not yet.

I'd rather (at some later time, when I become settled here), open a FULL separate-thread, regarding each of the three, seen above.

But for now, I'll just chuck-in one of each, just to give an idea of what I'm talking about,

They charge MORE than that, for just one 1/72 scale model aircraft, in diecast & that's just an ornament (for cabinets)
- in effect, an expensive paperweight.

I view the bikes as being able to "keep me fit" & get the heart-rate flowing & bloodstream ticking AND visit the shops, should I need to.

Meantime - Here's the TWO x £55.00 quid road bikes that I bought/picked-up on the 20th March this year, from Lincoln (City)

1st - "Boss Equipe", which I was told is/was made by 'British Eagle' sometime early this century (?)

- If someone can date it (accurately), I'd appreciate it !


2nd - "Claud Butler Criterium" from circa 2009-2010

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Cynical idealist
Welcome to the lunacy. There is a bit of all and everything here. Enjoy.


Active Member
Greetings from West Norfolk.

I'm guessing the drops aren't used on those bikes :eek:

Hi M.J.R / Neighbour !

Um, Yeah - You had me absolutely roaring with laughter, at THAT remark !

No kidding 'Batman' - I think an explanation might be in order....

1998 saw me only on my 3rd bike - Claud Butler "Hammer LX" - Incidentally, I've uploaded some pix, above AFTER your recent post.

That meant FLAT-BARS & 'cow-horn' (upright-grips), al-la-photo's of "Hammer LX" Mountain-bike, as I've since added, to explain.

1998 until now, 2022, is a fair ol' time in Hawny's world, so it's merely what I became used to.

Drop-Handlebars reminded me of "Subbuteo", "Glitter Band", "Mott The Hoople", "Airfix Kits" & 1970's, all-in

Hawny here always was reasonably 'on the large side' & long-arm stretch meant THAT change, was drastic, yet liked a lot !

I still DO find both my Claud Butler "Hammer LX"s to be my Rolls-Royce bikes - The other two were 'cheap pick-ups' (£55.00 the pair)

I had plans to convert them both ("Boss Equipe" & "C.B.Criterium") over to "flat-bars", like the LX's

Heck, I even bought the bars, grips, you name it, everything I needed, including new headstocks that raised up to 70-degrees !

But as I started replacing bits (slowly - Pedals, kickstand, etc), I started getting more & more used to the drop-bars.

Eventually (as of April//May), I decided I'd settle on a compromise....

Employ TWO of the stem-raisers (headstocks, 70-degrees), yet, keep the original bars, to save faffing with the cables.

Admittedly, it's a rather 'weak' compromise, but as my mate's Dad said - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

I may go "full-hog" sometime in the future - Like I say, I have the bars & bought both 31.8 and 25.4 headstock stem-raisers.

Ironically, in BOTH of those shots ("Criterium" & "Boss"), I photographed them with Tarantula front-leg raised bars, but no headstock change.

I'd only just bought them (both) - Yet straight AFTER those shots were taken, I set to work, with 2 x 25.4 headstock risers.

I chose 25.4's (head-stems, 70-degrees), originally, just so I could (momentarily), retain the existing bars (the compromise, if needed)

This gave me the additional height & "ergonomics" that I sorely needed - (I'm fairly tall & long-arms - 6ft2in & 33inch-inside legs)

The compromise was to keep the original-drop-bars (& crappy butterfly selectors) & Empire State building brake-levers.

Figured that I'd try it/them out, numerous times AND "if" I didn't like it, I had the full-shish (ammo') to swap to flats.

I have also bought some (lovely & expensive) Shimano "EF.51" brake & gearshift levers, but they're only for the C.B "Criterium" (Black)

Having changed those drops to the (admittedly, crazy) angle that I've done, I've gotten used to them far more than I ever thought I would.

Gives me the same grip (more or less), also has the same 'either/or' angle for my hands & wrists, to alleviate comfort.

Never been on a particularly LONG ride tho' (yet), like I have done (numerous times), on the "Hammer LX" (Admittedly, "years ago"

Anyways, pertinent that you caught it, visually observant - Interesting to see that I have a close-neighbour on here too !
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