hi everyone,,new to cycling.

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I was right about that saddle
What sort of bike are you using, what sort of gearing do you have? An old mountain bike will be very heavy - my legs would hurt, and I've been riding for years (not as many as some on this forum)
Being new to riding, it will take time to be able to do hills without pain.
whenever i cycle uphill i get a painful sensation in my thighs,,is their anything i can do to stop this?:whistle:
Turn around an go the other way:thumbsup:

Miles on the saddle and you'll be flying up. The only trouble is that you'll not find it easier, you'll just go up faster and your legs will be just as tired!


I was right about that saddle
I used to turn back on most hills, but gradually I defeated them all (except the nasty hill on the dragon ride three weeks ago which beat me badly)

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi @gossy1978 and :welcome:.

As @Pat "5mph" has hinted I have a bee in my bonnet about saddle height.:laugh: It's really common for new cyclists to set it too low (thinking they have to touch the ground with both feet) which makes riding really heavy going and makes the muscles burn.

This is what I said to another member only a couple of days ago:
An easy way to get it somewhere near right is to set it so that your leg is just about straight with your heel on the pedal at the bottom of the stroke. The leg will then have just about the right amount of bend in it when pushing with the ball of the foot and it can be fine tuned to suit from there.

I hope this helps.:thumbsup:
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St Albans
I cant touch the ground from my sadel and set it so my legs are almost straight when the pedal is at the bottom of its stroke .But when I ride up hills I normaly stand up .
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