Hex Key Wheel Skewers - any good?

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Gary E


I'm thinking of getting a couple of sets of these for by bikes. Does anyone use them? are they secure? (as in, will my wheel stay on, not will it get nicked!)


Well-Known Member
I tried these despite some bad reviews about the threads being easily stripped. They look good, are reasonably light and add a little security so thought for £9 its worth a gamble. I dont have a torque wrench so tried to be very light with the allen key, the problem is you are never sure if they are secure enough. Despite being fairy fingered, I still managed to strip the thread on the rear skewer a few weeks after purchase.
Gary E

Gary E

That's what worries me to be honest.
Not really bothered about a torque wrench, it's not like I carry one on my rides to do it up after a puncture!
I noticed that there's quite a spread in the price/materials from about £5 for aluminium/steel to £35 for Titanium.
Wonder if the added cost buys you a usable product?


Years ago I had some Control-Tech Ti skewers like the allen bolt ones (it was during my weight-weenie phase:blush:) and I managed to snap one of the skewers by over-tightening it. That's very atypical for me, I don't think I've ever broken another component, except through crashing.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
My hybrid came equiped with Pinhead skewers which have a security key like a car locking wheel nut. Despite dozens of uses (and quite a few punctures :sad:) and me tightening them up like a gorilla they are lasting very well and there is no suggestion that they are likely to fail. The only down side is that they are a bit fiddly to use and if you lose the key or don't happen to have it with you you are stuck!

I happily lock my bick up with just a lock through the main triangle as the pinhead skewer 4 piece set protects wheels, seatpost and handlebar stem. Stupidly I normally leave the security key in the tool pack at the bottom of the panniers which stay on the bike when it is locked up :whistle:
Gary E

Gary E

My hybrid came equiped with Pinhead skewers which have a security key like a car locking wheel nut. Despite dozens of uses (and quite a few punctures :sad:) and me tightening them up like a gorilla they are lasting very well and there is no suggestion that they are likely to fail. The only down side is that they are a bit fiddly to use and if you lose the key or don't happen to have it with you you are stuck!

I happily lock my bick up with just a lock through the main triangle as the pinhead skewer 4 piece set protects wheels, seatpost and handlebar stem. Stupidly I normally leave the security key in the tool pack at the bottom of the panniers which stay on the bike when it is locked up :whistle:
That's OK as long as you don't tell anyone..........D'oh!
I have ready to go on my Surly Long Haul Trucker. Haven't put them to the test as yet but given what others have said they should be the duck's nuts. Not that cheap but.




a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
#I've been using a cheapish set of those skewers for years with no issues what so ever... apart from the time i needed to fix a pun*ture and didn't have the allen key in my bag.

If you're stripping the thread then surely you're going too tight?
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