Heres a new slant on carrying protection

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Mr Phoebus

New Member
I carry just an angry raised voice. (with physical back up if the need did arise) :ohmy:
I could get my 2xC cell torch off my handlebars pretty quickly to make a handy kubotan.

Trouble with carrying anything - anything at all - is that you need to be properly trained to use it effectively, and you need to be ready to use it. If you just wave something around, you're going to escalate the situation and possibly get your own weapon used against you. If you get involved on the street, you need to be ready to carry out devastating violence on another human being, or you're going to get done, and not many people have the training or the mindset.

The best defence, as always, is to walk away, and that's what any good martial artist will tell you.

As for that gun thread - as the third response down said "the temptation to use it on morons would be too great".
Not mine, but tempting.....



Secret Lemonade Drinker
Just how paranoid do you need to be to need protection?

I am more agile on a bike than someone in a car, faster than someone on foot, and can hold my own with others on bikes. So there's the flight part covered.

And being a keen Thai Boxer, I'm not at all intimidated by anyone's gesturing and posturing, and should I NEED to, I will defend myself. Emphasis on NEED. There's the fight part sorted.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
ComedyPilot said:
There's the fight part sorted.

Not if you've got road shoes on - well fubar'ed !:smile:

just jim

I think that's the thread where someone had described having "gun pegs" brazed on to the frame for the Glock.


Legendary Member
Sick. Very sick. It really makes you wonder where a hunter gatherer nation like the USA will be in a century or so.

There will seriously come a time when one of the more advanced nations such as China, India or Europe will need to go over there and 'liberate' them before they really start messing up the world

Mr Pig

New Member
Twenty Inch said:
The best defence, as always, is to walk away..

Although a gun is probably pretty good too!

Walk away. Uh huh. And what, hope your attacker hasn't been trained in the secret art of walking after you?

Only kidding. I've had friends who died because they didn't like to back down from a fight.


Legendary Member
I liked this bit

"I assume you are from another country, so I suspect you would not be able to detect American truth from American fiction."

Well, his address is Belgium !!!

and how would American Truth differ from normal everyday rest-of-the-world truth?
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