Helpful apps.

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Legendary Member
(Hopefully there isn't already a thread on this, couldn't find one via search)

My daughter got me onto 'Too good to go', which is a great app where you buy mystery bags of food etc from shops. Gave it a go yesterday evening and my local Morrisons came up. You don't know what you're getting, but it seems it's mostly short dated (or ends that day) stuff, and I think a few places are signed up to it.
Anyhow, mine came to £3.09 and we rushed off to get it. Got 12 eggs (5 days date left) two honey flavoured yoghurts (10 days left), 5 satsumas (no date), 3 nice looking apples (again undated), two avocados (same day date)a leek (undated) a bag of potatoes (dated next day), stringed beans (dated day before) and two chocolate milk shake type drinks (week or more dates)
Seems great value, the girl on the till said you don't always get that much and it was hit and miss, but we're really chuffed.

Anyone got any other good apps to share?


Girl from the North Country
Olio is a similar thing, though mostly for giving stuff away. Individuals can offer items, but they also have champions who link up with local shops and collect up yellow sticker food at the end of the day and offer that free.


Heavy Metal Fan
Vehicle Smart. Type in a reg and it tells you tax and MOT history all in one. Saves going onto the gov.dvla Website which is clunky
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