Puntures and handlebar bag
Norm said:
+1 to that!
I had to fix 5 punctures last weekend, 2 on the road, three when I had got back home, I find it therapeutic and, certainly in the comfort of my own garage, not a problem at all.
I have 3 sets of tyres for my MTB, and I've been known to swap tyres depending on the sort of ride I'm planning.
5 puntures in one weekend

were you driving over hot coals

I had forgotten about the punture saga.
Anyway! I`ve finished preparing my
Evans (will take pictures) An absolute must for me when I go out for a ride is to have a DSLR digital camera with me. I have a number of cameras and the smallest is a Canon 500D that I will take with a couple of lenses. I thought about a backpack but I don`t like things on my back when I`m riding so I purchased a
Halfords handlebar bag. Well! I must say that I`m impressed at the fixing bracket and the extra plastic coated strap that bolts on under the stem extension to prevent any droppage. The nice thing is that it is QR so I can just click and bring my camera indoors when I get home.
I refitted my plastic mudguards but as the bike had been off the road for 15 years and had been leaning on the rear guard there was a dented area that rubbed on the tyre

anyway, I stuck a rubber door wedge under the area and with the aid of my wifes craft heatgun for a couple of minutes the dent has gone
Now the $64,000 question is whether to ride the new £60 crapper or the older Evans that gluides