Help Picking A Saddle for comfort

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Currently have what came fitted on my bike, it's very hard and is super uncomfortable after about 3-4 minutes.

I ride a hyrid, so I use the bike for general trips to and from places. But I want something that is comfortable as I am lacking in fitness to be able to stand the whole time.

I saw this, no idea if any good. I'n my head, the thicker/ more padding the more comfortable?

And tips would be helpful. I gues £35 would be my limit in the price range.

Cheers, sorry for having to post, I know it has probs been asked many times before, had a little look couldn't find anything.


Legendary Member
Do you wear padded shorts?

I would try those first for a bit, before you spin for a new saddle

Also check the angle of your saddle

The padded ones look like they should be comfortable, but become less so after a while - that one looks most uncomfortable


There's a couple of things to bear in mind before changing your saddle.

First, if you haven't been cycling regularly you can expect some 'adaptation' as your body gets used to riding a bike again. I've found when returning after an extended break that I can ride progressively longer distances before feeling uncomfortable.

However, if you really can go only three or four minutes before it's uncomfortable then I'd look at your bike set up. Your weight is supported by your hands on the bars, feet on the pedals and your rump on the saddle. If you experience discomfort in any of those parts it suggest your weight distribution is wrong. There are plenty of guides to set-up available online.

I agree with Vickster – try padded shorts too. They should extend your comfort range.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oh and the more padded a saddle the less comfortable it is. The problem is our backsides are all different. Most importantly is that your sit bones are making most contact, and not the soft bits. With gel saddles, sit bones tend to sink in, and the soft bits get squashed into the saddle causing uncomfortable pressure.

A cheap but very comfortable saddle is a Charge Spoon, but it may not be 100% suitable. As others have said, check your saddle height, bar position and of course wear shorts. I always wear cycling shorts, and you can wear them under normal clothes if you don't do the Lycra look.


Last of the Summer Winos
A lot of people (myself included) like the good old Brooks B17,........

There are also people who wear gimp suits, nipple clamps and a studded leather cod-piece, whilst pouring hot wax on their nether regions....... doesn't make it comfortable.

A lot of people dont like Brooks saddles...... neither camp is wrong (except the people with Brooks saddles. :laugh: ), and nearly all will agree that over padded gell saddles are a bad idea.
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