Help- New Mountain Bike

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I need some help in deciding what kind of bike I should get. I Am a fairly experienced mountain biker about 5'9 with good technical skills. I have a pretty good knowledge about bikes and have a good idea of what I want. I just need some help deciding on some things.I will be riding competitively.

I ride trails that are technical, tight turns, steep drops, a lot of rocks and roots. Parts of the trails are fast, other parts are slow and technical, rarely a mix of both. I love to just shred whenever possible.

Suspension: I already know I want full suspension.

Frame: I'm pretty sure I want to go carbon. I'm just concerned about cracking the frame. Is this something that should even cross my mind? How much more likely is it to happen with carbon then it is with aluminum?

Wheel size: This is The hardest part for me. I'm not tall and I'm not short so I could really ride any size. I'd Like to go 650b because it is a nice compromise for the type of riding I do. The problem is I'm not willing to spend a fortune for one and cant seem to find a good deal. So most likely I will have to go 26 or 29. The fun part on me wants a 26er so I can continue to shred like I do since I have already gained the technical skills to ride with one, but the competitive side of me says ill be faster on a 29er in races. I also enjoy the 26er because I can brake better and accelerate out of it. I'm in good shape so working a little harder to control the bike isn't a problem. I haven't spent as much time on a 29er as I would like and I may end up renting one to test. I just cant figure out which one I will be faster for me.

Tires: should I go tubless? I don't mind changing tubes when they get flat. The only reason I even consider it is because my worst fear is getting a flat in a race. Also how big is the weight advantage?

I've done a lot of research on this stuff. Just need another persons input. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
Have you considered a 27.5er ?:evil:


New Member
Seriously though, you say the words 'technical, tight turns' to me that would suggest you would be better off with a 26. I'll say that you should 'try as many as you can and see what feels best' before anyone else does.

I also said rocks and roots which suggests 29er. I said id like a 650b(27.5) but they are expensive and hard to come by a decent deal
Re: 650b (or a 6.985e+09 angstromer as I prefer to call them) give it a year or two and we will all be riding them and they will be as cheap as chips...... apparently. Personally I'll be sticking with 26 until all this blows over.


New Member
Re: 650b (or a 6.985e+09 angstromer as I prefer to call them) give it a year or two and we will all be riding them and they will be as cheap as chips...... apparently. Personally I'll be sticking with 26 until all this blows over.

Don't get me wrong I'm Not buying the bike because of this whole thing, but I am trying to get a bike that will suit me the best.


North Essex
From a personal perspective, I wouldnt change from my 29'ers. I dont have any problems with slow, tight technical sections and seem to be able to accelerate away as well as any 26" rider. (its about being in the right gear at the right time) BUT, it is only a personal choice. For what you intend to spend, it would be worth borrowing, begging, stealing or hiring a 29er to have a good outing on, on a track that you are familiar with on your existing bike. That way it would be a good comparison for you to make an informed decission, rather than going on others preferences. :bicycle: As for carbon versus ally, its really about quality. I have the percetion that carbon can be brittle, where as ally will fatigue, and rubbish carbon is a lot worse than cheap ally. I dont know if ANYTHING in this post will help you decide, but think on this. Would you ask a bunch of petrolheads which car they would recommend. The bottom line is, that its up to you !


What kind of competition?


Über Member
i think it is unlikely anybody is going to give you the definite answer.

for cross-country riding and racing, the world has switched to 29er (or 650) so I reckon the pros know wht they are doing.

I don't recall seeing many 29er jump type bikes, you certainly would not be using a lightweight XC bike for that, or if you do, do not expect the frame to last long.

Personally I would not worry at all about carbon fibre frames breaking - they have been around long enough for any problems to have been ironed out.

I wold reccomend something like the Scott Spark 940

or Ibis Ripley

or Specailized Stumpjumper
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