I changed my tyres yesterday and noticed the rear bearings were grating slightly so thought I'd strip the hub and regrease. I put all the parts in order so I knew how it went then proceeded to knock it all off the workbench! I was up to midnight last night sweeping the garage floor with a magnet to find all the bearings.
Can anyone tell me which order the nuts and spacers go please? Also, the threads on the axle are slightly different at each end. The hub is threaded so I presume the axle is threaded into the hub as far as it will go? If that's the case, which end goes where?
Thanks for any help, I've had a look online but can't find any info on the correct assembly, do bicycles have manuals like motorcycles with exploded diagrams? Here what I have:-
Can anyone tell me which order the nuts and spacers go please? Also, the threads on the axle are slightly different at each end. The hub is threaded so I presume the axle is threaded into the hub as far as it will go? If that's the case, which end goes where?
Thanks for any help, I've had a look online but can't find any info on the correct assembly, do bicycles have manuals like motorcycles with exploded diagrams? Here what I have:-