I bought this 650B bike second hand last year. I've since replaced the tires, chain, cables and saddle. I removed the dynamo and replaced it with a 5 mAh powerbank, by soldering the USB-A cable from an old mouse to the existing cables and replacing the filament bulbs with LEDs. I did this because I wanted to keep the same lights and cables for aesthetic as well as financial reasons. I also added the little saddlebag which holds the powerbank. I was hoping you might be able to help me identify the model. I emailed the original seller (a shop in southern France), but never received a response.
I bought this 650B bike second hand last year. I've since replaced the tires, chain, cables and saddle. I removed the dynamo and replaced it with a 5 mAh powerbank, by soldering the USB-A cable from an old mouse to the existing cables and replacing the filament bulbs with LEDs. I did this because I wanted to keep the same lights and cables for aesthetic as well as financial reasons. I also added the little saddlebag which holds the powerbank. I was hoping you might be able to help me identify the model. I emailed the original seller (a shop in southern France), but never received a response.