Hello :)

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Active Member
Not strictly my first post on the forums, but thought I would introduce myself to the forums.

I'm Kier, just turned 25 and currently live in Dorset, England. Currently a delivery driver for Tesco and volunteer for the emergency services in my spare time.

Been wanting to get a bike for a while, and decided to have a impulse buy, ended up with a Giant Defy 3 yesterday. Little bit worried as I've not ridden a bike for years, other than messing about, and never been on a road bike.

Until today, dragged myself out for a 7.7 mile ride in around 38 minutes, it wasn't as bad as I thought, my arse is killing me, so padded shorts are on order, oh and I hate hills with a passion.

I want to try and shift some of the extra weight I have, figured this would be a way of doing it. Ideally I want to get down to around 110kg (currently 117kg/118kg) to begin with (6ft 4 so don't want to lose too much as I'll just look silly!).

So yeah, hello everyone :smile:. Everyone has been incredibly welcoming so far.


Just about surviving
Hi and :welcome:. I'm starting to put on some winter poundage that I need to put a stop to. I must make the effort to get out more. The problem is the dark nights and some busy weekends coming up.


Active Member
Hi and :welcome:. I'm starting to put on some winter poundage that I need to put a stop to. I must make the effort to get out more. The problem is the dark nights and some busy weekends coming up.

I think I properly picked the wrong time to get a bike, its due to rain for the rest of the week here, other than for a bit tomorrow.


Network Ninja
Could be worse - I'm 8 hours into a 12 hour night shift - it was a lovely evening when I rode in. It's sharting it down now :smile:

Never mind ey, only a bit of rain.

Welcome to the forum!


Rural Kent
Hi Kier and welcome! Lots of threads on weight loss on the forum if you use the search function. I think one of the main warnings is that if you cycle and then reward yourself with extra cake it's not going to work!! Also a lot of thumbs-ups for cutting back on the booze (if that's a big thing in your life, which it may not be of course). Small glass of wine = 2 choccie biccies!

I'm sure the weight will come off - and if you persevere with cycling even in bad weather, you will become a lot healthier in general - fewer colds, feeling much more energetic, etc.


Active Member
Hi Kier and welcome! Lots of threads on weight loss on the forum if you use the search function. I think one of the main warnings is that if you cycle and then reward yourself with extra cake it's not going to work!! Also a lot of thumbs-ups for cutting back on the booze (if that's a big thing in your life, which it may not be of course). Small glass of wine = 2 choccie biccies!

I'm sure the weight will come off - and if you persevere with cycling even in bad weather, you will become a lot healthier in general - fewer colds, feeling much more energetic, etc.

I don't really drink, only for Xmas parties or friends leaving parties, don't smoke either, my weakness is food...chocolate is the main one lol.

Dragged myself out in the rain today, wasn't that bad! Freezing to start with, but soon warmed up. Only a short ride (three miles) to pick my mums car up, but found lots of hills again.

Enjoying it so far. Won't be able to get out tomorrow as I've got a ten hour shift and it kills me, but hopefully Wednesday and Thursday before work, and Saturday before a night shift.

Thank you for all the welcomes :smile:
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