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Wobbly Wheels

New Member
Mid Cornwall
Um, hello, another newbie here, getting back on a bike after nearly 20 years. (have to get fit, and get out and about, am turning into a big vegetable.) Seem to have lost my old bike somewhere along the way. - Not that it ever got alot of use then, was always just that bit too scared, to go too far on it.

So hopefully will be picking up new bike from shop on tuesday, they have to build it. Build it?? All very new to this. (Again)

I've been reading through some of the posts on here trying to get some more info on what I should (or should not) do, have. You've got a whole load of info on here. :biggrin: It all sound good although, I'll have to learn some of the tech stuff, and names for things. - Far as i know a bike is made of somne metal tubes, 2 wheels, 2 brakes, and some wires, so I know I have a lot to learn. :tongue:

So hi, and I hope you don't bite. :biggrin:
Hello WW!

Plenty to learn about here, whatever your preferred style of riding is.

Beginners is good (useful), as is Commuting, and Touring and Expedition. The caf's a laugh, but avoid P&L unless you want to get bitten.

And feel free to ask about anything; there's always someone who has an opinion about things knows! :biggrin:


New Member
Hello Wobbly,

You and I are in almost identical situations apart from the fact that I picked up my new bike last Sunday! I stopped riding 20 years ago when I got my first car. I had a great racing bike in those days. When I got my first car my bike was strapped up to the ceiling in my parents garage. When the storms came (the famous Michael Fish storms) the garage roof got ripped off and my bike went with it apparently (I didn't care at the time because I had my car).

I need to get fit... I'm loving it so far. Good luck to you.


Wobbly Wheels said:
Far as i know a bike is made of some metal tubes, 2 wheels, 2 brakes, and some wires, so I know I have a lot to learn. :biggrin:
There's more :sun::?: Oh yes, you forgot the saddle :biggrin:

Anyway, :tongue::biggrin::biggrin:


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Hello to you wobbly :biggrin:

I am also relatively new to all this and purchased a new bike about 3 or 4 weeks ago and am loving it! The guys here are very friendly and a great source of info.

Good luck!
ww on the www - welcome!
Get to the café for a wup of wea or woffee wometime... :biggrin:


New Member
Wobbly Wheels said:
I'll have to learn some of the tech stuff, and names for things. - Far as i know a bike is made of somne metal tubes, 2 wheels, 2 brakes, and some wires, so I know I have a lot to learn. :laugh:

Welcome fellow n00b. I got back into cycling 2 months ago, and my knowledge was about the same. But i have almost finished converting an old 80s Raleigh race bike into a fixed gear bike, including stripping it down to the frame, installing new cranks, bottom bracket and wheels.

Doesn't take long to get a decent amount of technical knowhow. http://www.sheldonbrown.com/ is a good place to start.
Wotcha. Cor, I feel like an old pro from my dizzy heights of a few months commuting!! :biggrin: Another one the same as you: stopped using my bike (which I'd broken anyway) about 20 years ago after getting a car.

The only difference I've got is being forced back onto two wheels a little while ago so as I could keep up with Little-LC and Littlest-LC. Have fun!!

But be warned: it will get you, it will. I now find that I want to be on the bike more than in the car to get to work. And you will end up wanting to spend all your money on "gadgets" ((c) Littlest-LC) for your bike.
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