Hello to All.

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New Member
Hello Everyone

I am a (nearly) 46 year old lorry driver.
I gave up smoking 10 weeks ago with the aid of hypnotism. While talking to the hypnotist prior to my treatment starting, i jokingly asked him to implant the suggestion that I actively enjoy exercise. He did and I am a total convert. I tried jogging but it hurt too much, I tried swimming but couldn't afford £5.00+ every time!
I had my trusty mountain bike so I tried going for longer rides on that. I have really caught a bug now. I ended up doing 20+ miles every day on it and have lost a startling amount of weight.
When the company I work for offered me an interest free loan I borrowed enough to buy myself a good road bike. OMG what a revelation that was! I am now regularly notching up between 30 and 40 miles a day and have serious ambitions to take part in the Norwich 100 mile run next May!
What has come over me?
Normally fads dont last past a couple of weeks for me but this new life has taken over completely.
I lie awake in bed planning new routes, I scout out the area looking for hills.I keep surfing the net for advice videos and how-to vids.
Anyway thats enough about me for now. I just wanted to introduce myself
I shall be asking some questions soon regarding the whole SPD/SL debate soon.
I Look forward to chatting with you all soon


Legendary Member
:welcome: Sounds good :biggrin:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi and :welcome: @BigWill23

That's quite a transformation. Don't forget to allow yourself rest days to help the muscles recover and build strength. If you're doing up to 40 miles a ride now I don't think that the Norwich 100 will be a problem for you come next May.:thumbsup: Keep us posted.


New Member
:welcome: to CC, BigW!
Did you read this thread about clipless pedals?
Yes Pat I did Thanks. Ithink I have decided on SPD with a touring shoe so I can walk and look a little bit flash at the same time! lol
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