Hello there! (and other stuff)

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Hello from sunny North London!

Having just been literally handed a bike (I'll get to that story in a minute) I thought I would be really grown up about matters and join a forum. So here I am! :smile:

I've been on the lookout for a new bike for about a year now... basically since I was forced to give away my last! I've also been, for the last year, practically stalking a neighbours old Raleigh Twenty which has been gathering rust in their front garden for god knows how long. So finally I mentioned it to them just out of curiosity and they came out with a key and basket, unlocked the bike and handed it over.


It needs some work and luckily dad is a very experienced cycling lunatic. But I'm also excited to fixing up my little twenty by myself... so any tips will be greatly appreciated :smile:

It's a bit rusty. Has completely flat tyres. And the left brake won't move. But other than that I'm really hoping to be riding it this week, I can't wait!!

Not very experienced with the roads and if truth be told I'm terrified of main roads!! So any Londoners out there please feel free to send some kind words of encouragement, handy tips to avoid death and some horror /comical stories.

Cheers! Ally x

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to the forum. :welcome: if your nervous of the roads, start by going round your local park to get used to your bike. If you really dont want to go on main roads, if your going to cycle to work, try to work out a route that takes you down side roads, and minor roads. take your time, being nervous Isnt a bad thing as it will keep you on your toes, but a lot of people are afraid of roads. Use cycle paths whenever you can. And don't rush, and feel that you HAVE to do anything that makes your nervous. You don't.

the most important thing is to just enjoy it. If you don't, then you will soon stop cycling. Have fun, even if you only cycle a couple of miles. God luck. Im sure you will be fine. You say your dadmis a cycling lunatic. Can he take you out sometime and help you with your nerves? Its nice to have someone to cycle with in the beginning.



Take it from the name you are in the environs of Ally Pally/Crouch End? Spent 4 years in Crouch End and 6 in Highbury.

If you are needing confidence, why not take the Parkland walk? Goes on the old railway line from Ally Pally to Finsbury Park and is a lovely ride and not too long either!

Some fantastic people here for advice so don't feel shy in coming forwards for advice - I know I have.


Legendary Member
Welcome. I'd be more scared of the hills if I lived in that part of the world, than the roads per se. As others have said, get your dad to take you out :smile: Plot routes which keep you away from main roads at least until you feel more confident


Rural Kent
Hi Ally

What a great story!

You should look at this: https://bikeability.dft.gov.uk/the-three-levels/cycling-skills-for-adults/ - lots of places to do courses in London. Maybe ask for one for Christmas?

There is a great resource on this site too: http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/the-essential-guide-for-new-commuters.56622/ - really good and worth a look.

I don't live in London and rarely cycle there but there is a huge cycle culture. If you have a bike shop near you, go along and ask about what events or clubs they have. Evans do evening sessions for women which some people on here have found useful (there is a thread on it - try the search function top right of this page). There are loads of Londoners on here so I'm sure you will find lots of advice.

NB We do tend to post the bad stuff that happens but do not be discouraged - we put them in because they're newsworthy, and they can be really useful so as to know what numpty driver behaviour to look out for, but the vast majority of cycling is fun and practical and a brilliant way of getting around.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Hi and welcome.

as ganymede has already pointed out...only the bad press gets attention. Riding in town is genuinely far less hassle than is made out.

you already have a link for the cycle chat guide to city riding.

good luck with the 20...sounds like a great project.

welcome to the chatters

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi and :welcome: @allypallyraleigh

Don't know if you've already seen but the Raleigh Twenty is quite popular over in the Special Interests section of the site, here: http://www.cyclechat.net/forums/special-interests.10/ A good place for info and to ask advice if you need it.:thumbsup:
Wow...! I really wasn't expecting so many replies straight away and such nice words!! Lol thanks everyone :smile:

@Simontm in regards to the name... my name is actually Alison, allypally was a nickname and it kinda rhymes with Raleigh haha but funnily enough I did grow up in Wood Green which is actually down the road from Ally Pally! ;) ah yes I never thought about Parkland Walk, I've always wanted to go down there but it's something that has always slipped my mind. Probably because I moved out of the area but now I'm back on wheels I have no excuse!

My partner lives over near Springfield Park and I know the marshes along the River Lea are very popular with cyclists. I believe I can go all the way through to Walthamstow, Essex, Hertford or all the way to Bromley by Bow and the city in the other direction. So I might give that a try as well just to get myself used to a bike again.

Although I'm scared of the roads I think I'll feel much more confident and comfortable on my Twenty as it's nearer the ground and generally much smaller than my last bike (I had one of the vintage Dutch style town bikes with the curved frame etc) so I'm not as high up which always made me feel quite nervous.

There isn't much work to be done so I really hope I'll be riding very soon! :biggrin: good idea about dad taking me out on the roads, he did that with me last time I got a new bike and so I'm quite happy riding on back roads.

I've attached a photo of my love, taken by her last owner who kindly sent it over for me to show off lol so you can all have a little nosey, even though I'm sure you all know what to expect, it's still nice to be nosey haha



Middle Earth
Wow...! I really wasn't expecting so many replies straight away and such nice words!! Lol thanks everyone :smile:

@Simontm in regards to the name... my name is actually Alison, allypally was a nickname and it kinda rhymes with Raleigh haha but funnily enough I did grow up in Wood Green which is actually down the road from Ally Pally! ;) ah yes I never thought about Parkland Walk, I've always wanted to go down there but it's something that has always slipped my mind. Probably because I moved out of the area but now I'm back on wheels I have no excuse!

My partner lives over near Springfield Park and I know the marshes along the River Lea are very popular with cyclists. I believe I can go all the way through to Walthamstow, Essex, Hertford or all the way to Bromley by Bow and the city in the other direction. So I might give that a try as well just to get myself used to a bike again.

Although I'm scared of the roads I think I'll feel much more confident and comfortable on my Twenty as it's nearer the ground and generally much smaller than my last bike (I had one of the vintage Dutch style town bikes with the curved frame etc) so I'm not as high up which always made me feel quite nervous.

There isn't much work to be done so I really hope I'll be riding very soon! :biggrin: good idea about dad taking me out on the roads, he did that with me last time I got a new bike and so I'm quite happy riding on back roads.

I've attached a photo of my love, taken by her last owner who kindly sent it over for me to show off lol so you can all have a little nosey, even though I'm sure you all know what to expect, it's still nice to be nosey haha

View attachment 62595
Of course, you do know you have to give her a name?
My mountain bike is called Priscilla and my Dawes hybrid (which has a rack and basket and is used for shopping trips), is called Arabella :rolleyes:


Priscilla (Queen of the Desert!)^_^


Rural Kent
Ally, forgot to say that the one thing you really must never do is ride up the inside of lorries and other large vehicles such as coaches. Lorries are disproportionately responsible for cycling accidents and have terrible visibility from the cab. The classic is the "left hook" when they turn left without signalling. It's all covered in jonny jeez's guide but it's the big no-no and so many new cyclists don't know about it.
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